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Utilities Top

enscript V1.6.6 The ascii to postscript converter, enscript, has been installed on
the Macs. This was necessary, since Apple removed the program grom
Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion). For more details:

> enscript --help
Intel Mac
iterm 0.9.5 iTerm is a fully-featured terminal emulation program for Macs,
providing an alternative to the relatively simple xterm and Terminal
programs. It can be run by double-clicking on:


More details can be found on the web site:
Intel Mac
3dm2 V9.5.1 The 3dm2 software has been upgraded to V9.5.1 (aka
on all computers with a 3ware raid card. The CLI has also been upgraded.
The software is now in /usr/local/3dm2/3dm2-9.5.1
32-bit Linux
Audacity 1.2.4b Audacity is an audio editor and recorder. You can use it to record
audio, convert audio formats, edit audio tracks, and more.

For more information, see:
32-bit Linux
OPENDIS 0.0.3 This package includes a program called "ks" which can read images off
a Digita enabled Digital Camera. More information can be found at
32-bit Linux
cdrtools-2.00.3 The cdrtools package for burning CDs and DVDs has been installed on Linux
These programs used to be part of the RedHat 8.0 distribution but
are not included with RedHat Enterprise WS 3. The package includes
such binaries as mkisofs, cdda2wav and readcd. The cdrecord binary
in /usr/local/bin was not installed since it already existed as part
of the cdrecord-prodvd program.

More info can be found with these commands:
> man mkisofs
> man readcd
> man cdda2wav
Or on the web site
32-bit Linux
cups-1.1.19 Cups is a printing package that is very good for setting up print
servers. We will be using it on submm for the three printers that
it acts as it's server for. More information can be seen at
32-bit Linux
dvd+rw-format- This package gives us three useful programs called dvd+rw-format,
growisofs, and dvd+rw-booktype. These programs will allow us to
write to DVD+RW drives. More information can be found at
32-bit Linux
screen 3.9.9 The 'screen' utility allows you to have multiple logins on just one
terminal. Screen is useful for users who log into a machine via
a terminal connection (say, a modem), but want to run more than
just one session. For more details, see the manual page:

> man screen

The 'screen' utility has been installed only on Linux.
32-bit Linux
smartmontools-5.33 This Linux utility allows us to analyze the SMART data on ide and scsi
disks. It currently doesn't work on regular SATA disks yet, but can
do both SATA and IDE disks connected to 3-ware controllers.

For more details, see:
32-bit Linux
xcdroast 0.98a15 The 'xcdroast' interface for burning CDs has been upgraded. This is
a graphical front end to the 'cdrecord' utilities, making it much easier
to collate files and CD tracks for burning on to a CD-RW. Try it with
the command:

> xcdroast

There is limited on-line help in the tool. Check out the web page for
more information:
32-bit Linux
xdvdroast An 'xdvdroast' interface for burning DVDs has been installed. This is
a graphical front end to the 'cdrecord' utilities, making it much easier
to collate files and DVD tracks for burning on to a DVD-RW. Try it with
the command:

> xdvdroast

This is actually a wrapper around the 'xcdroast' utility. A DVD writer can
currently be found on the public machine "deimos". DVD-R media can be
purchased at Caltech Wired or in limited quantities from Robinson 10.
32-bit Linux
less 3.5.8 The 'less' program has been upgraded to version 3.5.8 on both Solaris
and Linux computers. 'less' is a paging program, a replacement for the
popular 'more' program. For more information, see the man page:

> man less
32-bit Linux
GnuPG 2.0.16 GnuPG is a tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used
to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced
key management facility and is compliant with the OpenPGP Internet standard
as described in RFC2440. See "man gpg" for more details, or the web page:

Note that this is only installed on Linux 32-bit and 64-bit. An older
version of PGP is installed on Solaris; it has not been installed on
Mac OS X. Let help@astro know if you would like a current version on
any of these other architectures.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
curl 7.16.1 curl is command line tool for transferring files from the internet using URL
syntax. It suppports FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET,
DICT, FILE and LDAP protocols.

For more information, you can see the manpage with this command:

> man curl

or online at
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Acroread V5.0.10(solaris) V7.0.0(linux) Adobe Acrobat has been upgraded to the latest versions. More information can
be found in :

solaris: /usr/local/Acrobat5/Reader/help/reader.pdf
32-bit Linux
Acroread V7.0.1 Adobe Acrobat has been upgraded to the latest versions. More information can
be found in :

32-bit Linux
Unstuffit 5.20 The 'unstuffit' utility has been installed. This utility will decompress
"Stuffit" archives, commonly found on the Internet as files with a ".sit"
32-bit Linux
aspell 0.33 A newer and better spell checker called "aspell" is now available. This
program can handle both (La)TeX and html documents. Type

> aspell -c

to spell-check a file, or

> aspell -a

to run it in ispell compatibility mode. Type "aspell -?" for a list of
available options or see

for online documentation.
32-bit Linux
cdrecord v1.10 The 'cdrecord' utility for burning CDs has been upgraded to version 1.10.
CD writers can currently be found on the public machines 'tycho' and
'deimos', as well as a number of private machines. There are man pages for
'cdrecord' and its companion program, 'mkisofs'. More help can be found
on the cdrecord web page:

Be sure to check out the 'xcdroast' command, for a much more user-friendly
interface to 'cdrecord'.
32-bit Linux
cdrecord-prodvd v2.01b31 The 'cdrecord-prodvd' utility for burning DVDs has been upgraded on Linux
and Solaris. Now both DVD-RW and DVD+RW formats are supported. DVD writers
can currently be found on the public machines "kronos" and "draco". More
help can be found in the cdrecord-prodvd file:

and on our local web page:

DVD-R media can be purchased at Caltech Wired or in limited quantities
from Robinson 10.
32-bit Linux
enscript V1.6.1 The ascii to postscript converter, enscript, has been upgraded to version 1.6.1
to keep versions synchronous with our Linux:/usr/local. For more details:

> man enscript

or see:

32-bit Linux
tar 1.13.25 The GNU version of 'tar' has been updated to the latest alpha version.
This version provides the usual features, such as automatic compress (-Z)
and gzip (-z) options, as well as new features like support for large
files (> 2 GB). For help on the various options, use the '-help' parameter:

> tar --help

or the 'info' system:

> info tar

Note that the order of your PATH environment variable will determine
whether you find this latest GNU version of tar (/usr/local/bin) or the
version which comes with the operating system (/bin/tar or /usr/bin/tar).
Type 'which tar' to see the version which you are using by default.
32-bit Linux
xcdroast 0.98a9 The 'xcdroast' interface for burning CDs has been installed. This is
a graphical front end to the 'cdrecord' utilities, making it much easier
to collate files and CD tracks for burning on to a CD-RW. Try it with
the command:

> xcdroast

There is limited on-line help in the tool. Check out the web page for
more information:
32-bit Linux
xmms 1.2.9 The "X Multimedia System", or 'xmms', is an impressive tool for playing
music on your computer. Although targeted at the vast collections of music
in MP3 format, 'xmms' will also play audio CDs, WAV files, and other
audio and video formats. To use the player, run:

> xmms

Press 'Alt-S' to change the appearance, or "skin" of the tool.

For documentation, see the man page:

> man xmms

or the web page:
32-bit Linux
psjoin 0.3 'psjoin' is a nifty little perl script for concatenating PostScript files.
It is run like this:

> psjoin >

A brief summary of options is available with:

> psjoin -h
32-bit Linux
aspell 0.60.6 Aspell has been upgraded to yet another beta version.
Type :

> aspell -c

to spell-check a file. Type "aspell -?" for a list of available
options or see

for online documentation.
rdist 6.1.5 A new version of rdist has been installed on Mac OS X computers. This
program is the same as the version running under Solaris and Linux. For
more information, see:

man -M /usr/local/man rdist
GnuPG 1.4.10 GnuPG is a tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used
to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced
key management facility and is compliant with the OpenPGP Internet standard
as described in RFC2440. See "man gpg" for more details.
a2ps 4.13b a2ps is an ascii to postscript converter that prepares your files and,
by default, sends them to the printer. It has special filters to
highlight and beautify most programming languages to make them
look nicer on paper.

For more information, see:
or run
> info a2ps
> man a2ps
bzip2-1.0.1 bzip2/bunzip2 is a program is a block-sorting file
compressor/decompressor, very similar to gzip/gunzip. It is supposed
to be faster and more efficient than compress and gzip. See the manual
page for details:

> man bzip2
Solaris This program was ported from linux. It is an extension to the
less command that allows you to "less" various
file types, including .[0-9].gz, [0-9].bz2, .tar, .tgz, .tar.gz,
.tar.bz2, .tar.Z, .Z, .z, .gz, .bz2, .zip. The program
will automatically unpack/uncompress the archive and give an ascii
output. I had to add the environment variable "LESSOPEN" to
/usr/local/lib/cshrc.local so that less could find this program.
man2html 3.0.1 The man2html utility has been installed. This utility allows one to
translate manual pages into HTML using "man2html". It also includes
a CGI script for interactive use:
read_cdda 2.05 The read_cdda utility has been installed for ripping tracks from audio
CDs. There is a manual page:

> man read_cdda

Editors Top

emacs 23.1.90 The editor, emacs, has been upgraded on the Intel Macs, partially to
enable its use in Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6). This software has
online help (C-h i), a tutorial (C-h t), and a man page (man emacs).
The official emacs web page also has information and is at
Intel Mac
emacs 22.0.5 The editor, emacs, has been upgraded. This software has online help
(C-h i), a tutorial (C-h t), and a man page (man emacs). The official
emacs web page also has information and is at

Technically, the Macs (PPC and Intel) are running a slightly newer
version, 22.1.50.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
nedit 5.3 The 'NEdit' text editor has been installed. NEdit is a standard GUI-based
text editor for programs and plain-text files. It provides mouse based
editing and a streamlined editing style, based on popular Macintosh and
MS Windows editors. There is extensive on-line help under the "Help" menu,
as well as a manual page:

> man nedit

and a large web site:
32-bit Linux
xemacs 21.1.12 An X-based version of Emacs has been installed. This version of emacs is
very popular among users, as it adds a number of standard buttons and menus
to Emacs, thereby combining the power of Emacs with the ease-of-use found
in other editors. All users of 'textedit' are encouraged to try 'xemacs'.
There is an extensive "Help" menu.
32-bit Linux
vim-7.2 At a basic level, vim is a 'vi' look-alike editor, but with some really
nice extras, such as unlimited "undo" and color and language options. But
there is also a GUI version, called 'gvim'. For more information, see the
web page:

or access the on-line help, either through the ":help" command or via
the "Help" menu in 'gvim'.

A notable feature added with this new version is an on-the-fly spell
checker. To enable this, add the following line to your .vimrc file
:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
Then create a directory called .vim in your home directory. More help
can be found with the command
:help spell.txt
32-bit Linux

System Top

RedHat Enterprise WS 4, Update 4 We now have CD-ROMs available containing the Linux RedHat Enterprise WS
operating system. RedHat Enterprise WS 4 V4 includes the 2.6 kernel, the new
Seamonkey software that replaceds Mozilla, and lots of bug fixes and

Send e-mail to help@astro or come by Robinson 10/11 to check out any of
these products.
32-bit Linux
rsync V2.4.6 Rsync allows you to copy files from and to remote systems. For more
details, see the web page:

or the manual page:

> man rsync

Solaris was already at this version.
32-bit Linux
readline 4.3 The GNU readline library has been upgraded to version 4.3. This library
is used by a number of programs to provide interactive command line
editing. For more information, see the web page:

or the info documentation:

> info readline

or manual page:

> man readline

Changes in the latest version are described at:
32-bit Linux
tcsh Tcsh is now at version 6.12. This is distributed with RedHat Linux,
Sun Solaris, and Mac OS X.
32-bit Linux
Imlib 1.9.11 Imlib is an image manipulation library. It has been installed from source
on Solaris (v1.9.11) and from RPMs on Linux (v1.9.10-2 on RedHat 7.2). It
has been installed primarily to support other tools. Documentation can be
found with the source, at:

32-bit Linux
MM 1.1.3 The MM shared memory library has been installed, primarily to support
various web database work. There are a manual page:

> man mm

and a web site:
32-bit Linux
VNC 3.3.7 The VNC Virtual X Server software has been upgraded. The primary application
of this software is to run 8-bit applications, such as 'ximtool' and the
IDL image viewer, on 16-bit and 24-bit displays. To do so, one runs the
virtual X server:

> vncserver -cc 3 -depth 8 -nolisten local :1

and then a viewer for the virtual X server:

> vncviewer :1

Note that multiple 'vncviewer' processes can be run, from any machine
(not just the machine running the 'vncserver' process). So, another
popular application for VNC is to run programs in it that must be
monitored, so that 'vncviewers' may be used at home and other remote

For more details, see the web site:
32-bit Linux
make 3.79.1 The GNU version of the 'make' program has been upgraded to version
3.79.1 on both Linux and Solaris. More information is available via
the info program:

> info make

or on the manual page:

> make make
32-bit Linux
patch 2.5.4 The GNU 'patch' program has been upgraded. 'patch' is a system
utility for applying patches to source code. It is rarely used for
non-administrative purposes. There is a manual page for details:

> man patch
32-bit Linux
texinfo 4.0 The TeXinfo documentation system has been upgraded on both Solaris
and Linux to version 4.0. These programs are used primarily for
generating documentation for other software packages and are rarely
invoked by users. For more information, use the 'info' command:

> info texinfo
32-bit Linux
Chicken of the VNC V2.0b4 A VNC viewer has been installed under Macos PPC and MacOS Intel. It
is in /usr/local/Applications
Intel Mac
PGP V6.5.8 The "Pretty Good Privacy" program has been installed. pgp (from MIT)
allows you to encrypt and unencrypt files and e-mails according to public
and private keys which you maintain. See the manual page for more details:

> man pgp
PostgreSQL 7.1.2 The PostgreSQL database system has been installed. This is a free,
but powerful database program that has a long history of development.
For more information, see the local documentation:


Or the official web page:
SENDMAIL 8.11.3 A new version of /usr/lib/sendmail has been installed on phobos. This
provides us with a few bug fixes to make sendmail more robust. See
/usr/local/src/sendmail-8.11.3/RELEASE_NOTES for information on the
new features.
SENDMAIL 8.12.2 A new version of /usr/lib/sendmail has been installed on phobos. This
provides us with a few bug fixes to make sendmail more robust. See
/usr/local/src/sendmail-8.12.2/RELEASE_NOTES for information on the
new features.
bash V2.03 Bash has been installed into /usr/bin/, and will be rdisted to all
clients. We chose this time to upgrade bash so that it would be
at similar versions to the linux version of bash.
Bash is a interactive shell, similar to the bourned shell, but with
many nifty new features. For more details:

> man bash
openssh-3.6p1 Solaris ssh has been changed from the educational version to
the version from This is to bring it in line with
the software that we are running on Linux, and to fix some bugs
recently introduced when we upgraded solaris to V3.2.3.
More information can be found in the man pages for ssh, scp, sshd and sftp.
openssl V0.9.7c For security reasons, openssl has been upgraded.
This toolkit gives us Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and
Transport Layer Security (TLS) cryptography library.
For more details, see:

popd The popd mail server which allows PC's to access mail in the ADPF has
been upgraded for security reasons and to allow APOP access
For more details:

> man popper
popd The popd mail server which allows PC's to access mail in the ADPF has
been upgraded for security reasons.
For more details:
1. See the man page popper(8)
2. /usr/local/src/qpopper3.0.2/doc/*
scsiinfo V4.7 This program reports information about scsi devices
See "man scsiinfo" in /usr/local/admin/man for more details.
ssh 2.4.0 SSH has been upgraded to version 2.4.0. This is necessary so that our
Solaris computers can communicate with the patched LRH 7.0 version of
openssh. A new /etc/init.d/ssh has also been installed on all
ssh-1.2.31 SSH V1 has been upgraded to version 1.2.31 and deattack.c has been patched with
the patch from:

This is all necessary because of a security hole in ssh.

Graphics Top

ImageMagick V6.7.9-0 The graphics manipulation package "ImageMagick" has been upgraded
on the Mac OS X machines to version 6.7.9-0. This package includes
programs like "convert", "combine", "identify", "mogrify", "montage",
"animate", "display", and "import". There are man pages for each of
these programs. More information can be found at:

This package is especially good for image type conversion.

A perl interface to ImageMagick is also available. More details can
be found at:
Intel Mac
PGPLOT 5.3.0 The PGPLOT plotting library has been upgraded to version 5.3.0. This version
provides better support for Mac OS X as well as minor bug fixes. The new
runtime library may require you to recompile programs which use the PGPLOT
library. On-line documentation can be found at:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Supermongo 2.4.26 Supermongo, the plotting package, has been upgraded. This is a minor
release, primarily for bug fixes. For more information, see

or use the info program to read the Supermongo documentation. There
is also a paper manual in Robinson 52, and a PostScript copy of the
manual at:

32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
xv 3.10a The image viewing program, xv, has been installed in /usr/local.
We can use this software to view many types of images including
postscript, jpeg, tiff and png. A man page exists for this software:

> man xv

as well as a manual:


and the web site:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Grace 5.1.22 The Grace plotting tool has been installed. Grace is a WYSIWYG (What-You-
See-Is-What-You-Get) plotting program, unlike command-driven tools like
Mongo, SM, or wip. It has support for line, bar, and pie charts, as well
a set of analysis tools for fitting data with linear or non-linear functions,
Fourier Transforms, etc. To try it, run:

> xmgrace

For help, see the local copy of the User Guide:


or the Grace web page:

To see the capabilities of Grace, it includes numerous examples:

> cd /usr/local/grace/examples
> ./dotest
32-bit Linux
gv 3.6.7 The 'gv' viewer for PostScript files has been installed/upgraded.
There is a manual page:

> man gv

Many users find this viewer superior to 'ghostview' and 'ggv'.
Macintosh users may also use 'Preview' for viewing PostScript documents.
32-bit Linux
WIP 2.3 The WIP plotting package has been installed. WIP is a product of the
BIMA group, written for creating overlays of astronomical data - sort
of a Supermongo for images. It is very useful for creating publication-
quality two-dimensional figures. To run it, you may want to copy and
possibly configure a .wipinit file:

> cp /usr/local/lib/wip/dot.wipinit ~/.wipinit
> edit ~/.wipinit

Then run the command:

> wip

There is a PostScript version of the documentation:


as well as an on-line version:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Yorick 2.1.01 Yorick is an interactive programming language for scientific computing
that includes scientific visualization functions, and text and binary
I/O functions geared to millions of numbers. It is useful for creating
plots and animations of scientific data.

A manual and other documentation are provided in:


and the web page may be found at:

For a nice demo run the following:

> yorick
> #include "demo2.i"
> demo2
> help,demo2
> quit

There are five demos installed.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
GNU PlotUtils Package The GNU plotutils package contains software for both programmers and
technical users. Its centerpiece is libplot, a powerful C/C++ function
library for exporting 2-D vector graphics in many file formats, both
vector and raster. It can also do vector graphics animations.

For more info on the package, see the web site:
32-bit Linux
Ghostscript 8.14 The Ghostscript package has been upgraded to AFPL version 8.14. (Previously
we had been using an older GNU version.) This includes the interpreter which
underlies 'ghostview' and 'gv', as well as some utilities, such as 'ps2pdf'
and 'ps2epsi'. There are manual pages as well as documentation at:

32-bit Linux
Ghostscript 8.63 The Ghostscript package has been upgraded to GPL version 8.63. This includes
programs such as ps2pdf and dvipdf. There are manual pages as well as
documentation at:

32-bit Linux
gv 3.5.8 The 'gv' viewer for PostScript files has been installed/upgraded.
There is a manual page:

> man gv

Many users find this viewer superior to 'ghostview' and 'ggv'.
Macintosh users may also use 'Preview' for viewing PostScript documents.
32-bit Linux
xfig 3.2.3d The 'xfig' drawing program has been upgraded. This tool provides one
with a drawing surface where text, line drawings, and imported files can
be combined, similar to commercial programs such as 'Framemaker'. 'xfig'
can be very useful for annotating images, FAX cover sheets, etc. The manual
can be found from the "Help" menu, or at:


There are examples in:


A list of changes from the last version is in:
32-bit Linux
xv patches XV was patched to include support for PDF, png, progressive jpeg, and as
a netscape plugin.
32-bit Linux
ImageMagick V6.7.7-10 The graphics manipulation package "ImageMagick" has been upgraded
on the Linux machines to version 6.7.7-10. This package includes
programs like "convert", "combine", "identify", "mogrify", "montage",
"animate", "display", and "import". There are man pages for each of
these programs. More information can be found at:

This package is especially good for image type conversion.

A perl interface to ImageMagick is also available. More details can
be found at:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
gnuplot 4.4.2 Gnuplot, a simple plotting program - similar to Mongo or Supermongo - has
been installed. Gnuplot provides 1-d and 2-d plotting capabilities on a
vast range of platforms. There is extensive built-in help via the 'help'
command, as well as a manual:

32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Dexter Dexter is a very useful java tool built by the ADS for "ripping" data
points and curves from graphical plots. The command is used as:

> dexter plot.gif

where "plot.gif" is a 2-d plot in GIF format. ('pstogif' or a tool such
as 'xv' can be used for translating plots in Postscript and other formats
into the GIF format.) The output of this command is a set of (X,Y) data
points from the plot. For help on using Dexter, see:


The ADS provides the Dexter tool on-line with it's collection of scanned
articles. (Scroll down past the scanned page to the "Dexter" link.)
32-bit Linux
GIMP 1.2.2 The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a freely available image
editing tool from the folks at GNU. It competes directly with Photoshop
and provides many of the same features, including a variety of filters
and plug-ins. Just run 'gimp' to give it a try. The manual is available
on-line at:


There is also a web page with lots of helpful information, including a

Note that we have a license for Photoshop available for use on the
Solaris machines.
32-bit Linux
GIMP 2.0.1 The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a freely available image
editing tool from the folks at GNU. It competes directly with Photoshop
and provides many of the same features, including a variety of filters
and plug-ins. Just run 'gimp' to give it a try. More documentation is
available on-line at:
32-bit Linux
Grace 5.1.15 The Grace plotting tool has been installed. Grace is a WYSIWYG (What-You-
See-Is-What-You-Get) plotting program, unlike command-driven tools like
Mongo, SM, or wip. It has support for line, bar, and pie charts, as well
a set of analysis tools for fitting data with linear or non-linear functions,
Fourier Transforms, etc. To try it, run:

> xmgrace

For help, see the local copy of the User Guide:


or the Grace web page:

To see the capabilities of Grace, it includes numerous examples:

> cd /usr/local/grace/examples
> ./dotest
32-bit Linux
Jhead (pmcd version) 0.9 The jhead program is intended to be used with the new Kodak
DC290 digital camera. It is a way to print out the header information
from the .jpg images from the camera. It can also be used
to extract the .wav audio sound bites. For help, type "jhead -h".
32-bit Linux
MPEG-2 Video Codec The MPEG-1/2 video codec has been installed, in the form of two programs:
'mpeg2encode' and 'mpeg2decode'. Although these can be used directly to
manipulate MPEG-1/2 video, these programs will often be used by the
ImageMagick collection of tools. As an example, this command creates
a movie from a number of JPEG files:

> convert *.jpg film.mpg

For more information on MPEG files, see the following web page:
32-bit Linux
Mgraph 11.9 Mgraph is a 2-dimensional graphical (WYSIWYG) plotting tool. It can be
used to plot traditional curves from tabular data, or surfaces derived
from 2-d binary data. The interface can be used interactively, run via
command files, or accessed with C or FORTRAN programs. There is a local
copy of the manual:


as well as a web site:

To run the program, type 'mgraph'.
32-bit Linux
PGPLOT 5.2.2 The PGPLOT plotting library has been upgraded from version 5.2.0 to
version 5.2.2. This is only a minor update with a few bug fixes.
However, the new runtime library may require you to recompile programs
which use the PGPLOT library. On-line documentation can be found at:
32-bit Linux
XGobi The latest version of XGobi has been installed. XGobi is a data visualization
system for viewing high-dimensional data. Data points can be plotted in
n-dimensional space, then zoomed, panned, rotated, and otherwise manipulated.
On-line help is available by clicking the right mouse button on the item
in question. For more information, see the web page:

or the manual page:

> man xgobi
32-bit Linux
xanim 2.80.1 The 'xanim' video player has been upgraded on both Linux and Solaris
machines. XAnim is a program for playing a wide variety of animation,
audio, and video formats. It can be configured as a helper application
for your web browser, often through the "plugger" meta-helper. (This
is the default configuration here.)

For more information, see the manual page:

> man xanim

or the web page:
32-bit Linux
xpaint 2.6.2 The 'xpaint' graphics utility has been installed. 'xpaint' is a simple
painting tool for editing graphics files (TIFF, JPEG, GIF, etc.). It
has facilities for painting color, drawing lines, adding text, etc.
that make it very useful for annotating images. For more information,
see the "Help" menu in the tool, or its manual page:

> man xpaint

'xpaint' is excellent for simple image editing and annotation. For more
complex operations, filters, etc., be sure to try the GIMP (command 'gimp').
32-bit Linux
netbm 10.32 The Netpbm package of graphics utilities has been upgrade to version 10.32
on Mac OS X and Solaris. The Netpbm package includes a large number of
utilities for primitive manipulation of graphic images, a wide array of
converters from one graphics format to another, and many basic graphics
editing tools such as magnifying and cropping. For more information, see
the web page:
PLPLOT 5.9.7 PLplot is a extensive, cross-platform software package for creating
scientific plots. It has been installed only on the 64-bit Linux machines
at this point, since it was required for SCAMP. Please let help@astro know
if you would like this package installed elsewhere. There is an extensive
64-bit Linux
Autocad R13 A Solaris version of Autocad has been installed. In order to run the
program, type:

> acad

There is an extensive on-line "Help" menu. Sample drawings can be found in


Note that Autocad requires an 8-bit display to run, similar to 'ximtool'.
Therefore, you may find that you need to reconfigure your graphics card,
using a command like 'fbconfig', to support an 8-bit visual.

We have 3 floating licenses for this product. In order to run it outside
of Downs Lab, you may need to first define:

ImageMagick V6.3.1-2 A graphics manipulation package called ImageMagick has been upgraded
to version 6.3.1-2. This package includes programs like "convert",
"combine", "identify", "mogrify", "montage", "animate", "display", and
"import". There are man pages for each of these programs. More
information can be found at:

This package is especially good for image type conversion.

A perl interface to ImageMagick is also available. More details can
be found at:
SANE The SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) software has been installed to
operate the scanner on pathos. The user interface is "xscanimage".
For more details:
1. see the man pages for scanimage(1) and xscanimage(1).
gnuplot 3.7.1 Gnuplot, a simple plotting program - similar to Mongo or Supermongo - has
been installed. Gnuplot provides 1-d and 2-d plotting capabilities on a
vast range of platforms. There is extensive built-in help via the 'help'
command, as well as a manual:

xsane 0.60 An X window interface fore the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) software
(se below) has been installed to operate the scanner on pathos. This
provides an alternative interface to "xscanimage", however it does
not work on 24-bit displays. For more details:

Adobe Illustrator 10 The latest version of Adobe Illustrator has been installed on the
public PC in Robinson 52 (taurus). Illustrator is an advanced
drawing program for creating publication-quality graphics. The
results are suitable for publication on paper and on the web.
There is extensive on-line help, and a paper manual may be found
on the shelves in Robinson 52.

Programming Top

Numerical Recipes The Numerical Recipe libraries are now installed on Linux, Mac OS X, and
Solaris computers. There are four versions of the library, all of which
can be found in /usr/local/lib:

recipes_f - FORTRAN
recipes_c++ - C++
recipes_c - ANSI C
recipes_ckr - older K&R C

To use the library, you will need something like this in your compile

-L/usr/local/lib -lrecipes_c

If you are using C, you may also want the include files which provide
prototypes for the functions. These are in:


The source code is also available, in:


On the 64-bit Linux machines, the C and Fortran Numerical Recipes have
been compiled with the Intel compilers; the C++ Recipes have been compiled
with Gnu C++ (g++).
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
gcc 4.7.1 gcc v4.7.1 has been installed into /usr/local on the 64-bit Linux
machines (RHEL 6) and on the Intel Mac systems. On the Macs, this
is in addition to the default Mac Xcode compiler set, which includes
the older gcc 4.2.1.

For more information, see

64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
BLAS A BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library optimized for Pentium
Pro, Pentium II, and Pentium III has been installed on the Linux machines.
This library provides a fast implementation of numerous standard linear
algebra routines. For more information, see:

32-bit Linux
Intel Math Kernel Library 8.0 The Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) has been installed on the Linux
machines. This library provides a set of linear algebra routines, fast
Fourier transforms, and vectorized math and random number generation
functions, all optimized Intel and AMD processors. Anyone needing fast
math performance on a Linux machine should consider using this library.

Documentation and example code is provided in:


Note: Sun users have a comparable math library available: The "Sun
Performance Library" has been optimized for math on SPARC processors.
32-bit Linux
TclXML 3.2 The TclXML package has been installed. This package allows Tcl/Tk
programmers to parse XML data files. There is on-line documentation:

as well as a manual page:

> man tclxml

The tcllib Standard Tcl Library (version 1.12) was also installed:

This library provides a number of useful interfaces for Tcl programmers.
32-bit Linux
expect V5.44.1.15
Expect is a program that can talk to other interactive programs and
respond accordingly. See "man expect" for more details.

32-bit Linux
tk/tcl V8.5.8 Tcl and TK, a simple scripting language and a GUI, has been installed. For
more information, see:

Man pages for this software have also been installed. For more information:

32-bit Linux
wxWidgets 2.8.8 We have installed the wxWidgets toolkit on the 32-bit Linux machines.
wxWidgets is a cross-platform library to enable easy creation of graphical
interfaces. More information is avilable on the web page:

Anyone needing this library on a non-Linux machine should contact
help@astro to have wxWidgets installed there.
32-bit Linux
xforms 1.0.90 The XForms toolkit has been installed on the Linux machines. More info
can be found on the XForms website at:
32-bit Linux
Java 1.5.0 Update 8 The Java 1.5.0 Update 8 J2SE Development Kit has been installed on both
the Solaris and Linux computers, in the directory:


It is the default Java in /usr/local/bin/java; older versions may be found
in other places, such as /usr/bin/java. The Java 1.5.0 browser plugins
have also been installed in Netscape 4.8, 6.x, and 7.x.

For more information, see the local file:


or the manual pages, such as:

> man java
> man javac

Java 1.5.0_06 is included with Mac OS X on the Macs and is located in
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
GNU Compilers 3.X Our machines contain a range of versions of the GNU compilers (C, C++, and
FORTRAN). Here is a summary of the versions currently installed:

(*) Solaris:
default version: gcc/g77 3.3.2
version in /usr/local/gcc2/: gcc/g77 2.95.3

(*) Linux:
default version: gcc/g77 3.4.3
version in /usr/local/gcc3/: gcc/g77 3.3.2
version in /usr/local/gcc2/: gcc/g77 2.95.3

(*) Mac OS X:
default version: gcc/gfortran 4.0.0
versions using 'gcc_select': gcc 3.3
version in /usr/local/bin: g77 3.4.4
32-bit Linux
libjpeg The JPEG graphics library in /usr/local/lib has been upgraded to version 6.2.
See /usr/local/src/jpeg-6b/README for more information.
32-bit Linux
libpng 1.2.5 The library supporting the PNG graphic type has been upgraded on
Solaris. Linux is still at version 1.0.12, since it is supported via
a RedHat RPM.
32-bit Linux
subversion 1.2.3 Subversion is a version control system for managing software projects
and document collections. It improves and extends upon the very popular
CVS system. For information on usage, try:

> subversion --help

or check the web page:

We have installed the subversion client software everywhere. Users
desiring a subversion server should contact help@astro for assistance.
32-bit Linux
zlib 1.2.1 The library supporting the zlib compression format has been upgraded
on Solaris and Linux (the latter via RedHat RPM). This library is
required for support of the PNG graphics format, among other things.
32-bit Linux
Enthought Python Distribution 7.2.2 We have installed the Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) on our
Linux machines. This distribution includes Python 2.7.2 and a slew
of Python packages, such as matplotlib, numpy, scipy, chaco, etc.
In order to use EPD, simply add this to your PATH:

setenv PATH /usr/local/EPD/epd-7.2.2/bin:${PATH}

More information is available on the EPD website:

including a list of the packages included with the base EPD:

We have begun deploying this as our default Python installation
for add-on packages, so please let us know if there are additional
Python packages that you would like to see installed. We will also
endeavour to install this on our Macs, although that may be a
"per-machine" install - we are still investigating.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
GHMM library The General Hidden Markov Model library (GHMM) has been installed on
our Linux machines. From the website: GHMM is a freely available C
library implementing efficient data structures and algorithms for
basic and extended HMMs with discrete and continous emissions.
It comes with Python wrappers which provide a much nicer
interface and added functionality.

For more info, see the website:

Note that the Python wrappers have been compiled into EPD 7.2.2,
located in /usr/local/EPD/epd-7.2.2/.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
GIT Git is a distributed version control system, similar to CVS and
subversion. For more information, please see the website:

Currently this is only installed on our Linux machines. Please
e-mail help@astro is you would like this installed on Mac OS X
or Solaris.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel C/C++ compilers 11.1 The C and C++ compilers from Intel have been upgraded on the Linux
computers. Unlike the generic Gnu compilers (gcc and g++), the compilers
from Intel are optimized for Intel processors, the CPU chips in most of
our Linux machines, including all Dell systems. For this reason, these
compilers may provide improved performance over the Gnu compilers. This
is a major upgrade.

Note that the TAPIR group has a license for the Intel compilers on
Mac OS - please contact help@astro if you have need for that.

In order to use the compilers, you will want to add something like this
to your .cshrc or other login file:

source /usr/local/intel/iccvars.csh

The compiler may be invoked as 'icc'; the debugger is 'idb'.

There is extensive documentation in:


including both PDF and HTML formats.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Fortran compilers 13.1 The Fortran compiler from Intel has been upgraded on the Linux computers.
Unlike the generic Gnu compiler (gfortran), the compilers from Intel
are optimized for Intel processors, the CPU chips in most of our Linux
machines, including all Dell systems. For this reason, these compilers
may provide improved performance over the Gnu compilers. This is a
major upgrade.

Note that the TAPIR group has a license for the Intel compilers on
Mac OS - please contact help@astro if you have need for that.

In order to use the compilers, you will want to add something like this
to your .cshrc or other login file:

source /usr/local/intel/bin/compilervars.csh ia32 (32-bit)
source /usr/local/intel/bin/compilervars.csh intel64 (64-bit)

The compiler may be invoked as 'ifort'; the debugger is 'idb'.

There is extensive documentation in:


including both PDF and HTML formats.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
NetCDF 4.1.1 The NetCDF libraries have been installed on the Linux machines (32-bit
and 64-bit). NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of software
libraries and data formats that support the array-oriented scientific
data. More info can be found on the website:

The netCDF Operator software (NCO) has also been installed. See here
for more information:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
PDL 2.4.3 The perlDL project aims to turn perl into an efficient numerical language
for scientific computing. The PDL module gives standard perl the ability to
store and manipulate large N-dimensional data sets for scientific computing.
For example, $a=$b+$c can add two 2048x2048 images in only a fraction of a
second. For more information, see:

Or run 'perldl' and type 'help'.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
gcc 4.3.6 gcc v4.3.6 has been installed into /usr/local/gcc-4.3.6 under Linux
(32-bit and 64-bit). This version has been installed especially to
support the 'mex' compiler in MATLAB. To use it, place this in
the front of your PATH:


For more information, see
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
hdf5 1.8.5 The HDF5 data model libraries have been installed on the Linux
machines (32-bit and 64-bit). HDF5 is a commonly-used data structure
for complex and/or large datasets. Full documentation can be found
on the website:

To use this library in a program, you will need to link to the library
with something like this in your compile command:

-L/usr/local/lib -lhdf5
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Java 1.6.0 Update 2 The Java 1.6.0 Update 2 J2SE Development Kit has been installed on both
the Solaris and Linux computers, in the directory:


These files have been linked into /usr/local/bin with their version
numbers, e.g., java-1.6.0. The default Java in /usr/local/bin/java is
still version 1.5 in order to not break various tools. Older versions
may be found in other places, such as /usr/bin/java.

For more information, see the local file:

32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
MPI2 1.0.7 Version 2 of the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) has been installed
on the 64-bit Linux machines and upgraded elsewhere. MPI provides a
library interface and process management tools for writing and running
programs on multiprocessor machines. For help using the software, see:


For more details, see the web page:

This software has not yet been installed on the Macintosh machines.
Please e-mail help@astro if you would like these tools available on
a Mac.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
MX 2.0.6 extensions for Python The MX Extensions for Python are a collection of high-quality Python
software tools which enhance Python's usability in areas such as ODBC
database connectivity, fast text processing, date/time processing and
web site programming.

For more info on the package, see the web site:
32-bit Linux
PerlTk 800.024 The Perl interface for the Tcl/Tk graphics library has been installed.
This interface allows one to create Tcl/Tk widgets, such as windows,
buttons, and menus, from within Perl. To use the interface, you will
need a line like this in your Perl code:

use Tk;

Documentation is provided through a series of manual pages, which may
be accessed via:

> man Tk
> man Tk::overview
32-bit Linux
Python 2.3 This interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language has
been upgraded to version 2.3. For more information, see the FAQ at

The 'pyfits', 'numarray', and 'ipython' python packages have been upgraded
as well.
32-bit Linux
Ruby 1.6.8 Ruby is an interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented
programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system
management tasks (as in Perl). For more information, see the extensive
web page:

There is also a manual page listing command-line options:

> man ruby
32-bit Linux
XML perl modules The following Perl modules have been installed: libxml-perl, XML-RegExp,
XML-Writer, XML-Parser, and XML-DOM. The "expat" XML parser has also
been installed. These modules support the handling of XML files in Perl.
For more information, see the web pages:

and the manual pages:

> man libxml
> man XML::RegExp
> man XML::Writer
> man XML::Parser
> man XML::DOM
> man xmlwf
32-bit Linux
biggles 1.6.4 Plotting module for Python Biggles is a Python module for creating publication-quality 2D scientific

It supports multiple output formats (postscript, x11, png, svg, gif),
understands simple TeX, and sports a high-level, elegant interface.
It's intended for technical users with sophisticated plotting needs.

For more info on the package, see the web site:
32-bit Linux
libungif 4.1.0b1 The free library supporting uncompressed GIF graphics has been installed
on Solaris. The same version was already installed on the Linux computers.
More information is available on the web page:

This software also includes a bunch of utilities for manipulating GIF
files. There is local documentation on these at:

32-bit Linux
libwww-perl 5.65 The libwww-perl module ( has been installed. This set of modules
provides a Perl interface to the World-Wide Web. There are manual pages
for the common modules, such as "LWP" and "URI", as well as an extensive
web page:
32-bit Linux
ncurses 5.2 The 'ncurses' library has been installed on Solaris and Linux. This
is a GNU version of the standard "curses" library. It has been installed
primarily to support other software, such as the 'lynx' text browser.
More information is available on the web site:
32-bit Linux
perl 5.6.1 Perl has been upgraded to version 5.6.1. More info can be found in the
manual page:

> man perl

and on the myriad of Perl web sites, such as:
32-bit Linux
perl 5.8.0 Perl has been upgraded to version 5.8.0. More info can be found in the
manual page:

> man perl

and on the myriad of Perl web sites, such as:
32-bit Linux
tcllib 1.3 The tcllib Standard Tcl Library (version 1.3) was installed:

This library provides a number of useful interfaces for Tcl programmers.
32-bit Linux
tk/tcl V8.3.2 Tcl and TK, a simple scripting language and a GUI, has been installed. For
more information, see:

Man pages for this software have also been installed. For more information:

32-bit Linux
NumPy 24.0b2 Numerical Python The Numeric Python extensions (NumPy) is a set of extensions
to the Python programming language which allows Python programmers
to efficiently manipulate large sets of objects organized in grid-like

For more info on the package, see the web site:
32-bit Linux
perl 5.8.2 Perl version 5.8.2 has been install on Macintosh. Many of the
modules on Linux and Solaris have not been installed, although
Spamassassin 2.61 has been installed. More info can be found in the
manual page:

> man perl

and on the myriad of Perl web sites, such as:
libtiff The library supporting the TIFF graphic type has been upgraded to
version 3.8.0 on Mac OS X and Solaris. Documentation can be found in:


On the Linux machines, version 3.6.1 of the TIFF library is installed
in /usr/lib (via a standard RedHat RPM).
OCaml 3.12.0 The Objective Caml language compiler has been installed on our
64-bit Linux machines. Please see the web site for more information:

This language is used for a variety of applications, including
certain modules for the Wikimedia wiki software.
64-bit Linux
CVS V1.11 CVS is a version control system which allows you to keep old
versions of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and
why changes occurred, etc. It also helps to manage releases and
to control the concurrent editing of source files among
multiple authors. See the man page for cvs for more information or
the webpage
JBuilder 3.0 The JBuilder Java programming tool has been installed in /usr/local/jbuilder.
This is an advanced Java tool which provides a programming environment for
developing Java applications. Contact help@astro if you would like to use
this product, as you will need the license information the first time that
you run the tool.
NAG FORTRAN library Mk 18 The NAG FORTRAN library has been upgraded to Mark 18. There is a complete
manual set in Robinson Rm 52 as well as on-line help with the command:

> dtext

Please e-mail help@astro if you use this library, since we have not really
supported this library for some time, and the version currently installed
is quite old. This upgrade was performed merely for the sake of completion.
PGPERL 2.18 This package offers a perl interface to the pgplot routines. We were
previously running V2.17, and it has been upgraded to V2.18. According
to /usr/local/src/PGPLOT-2.18/CHANGES, not much really has changed. This
was installed primarily to support the new version of PGPLOT and the new
Sun compilers.
Sun Forte Developer 7 compilers The Forte Developer 7.0 compilers have been installed on Solaris. These
programs, developed by Sun Microsystems, offer highly optimized compilers
for C, C++, and Fortran, as well as development tools. For more information,


The older version of the compilers are still available:

TclXML 2.0 The TclXML package has been installed. This package allows Tcl/Tk
programmers to parse XML data files. There is on-line documentation:


as well as a manual page:

> man tclxml

and the primary web page:

The tcllib Standard Tcl Library (version 1.2) was also installed:

This library provides a number of useful interfaces for Tcl programmers.
expect V5.38
Expect is a program that can talk to other interactive programs and
respond accordingly. See "man expect" for more details.

gcc 2.95.3 Version 2.95.3 of the Gnu compiler collection has been installed on
both Linux and Solaris. It has been installed in a non-standard
location, namely /usr/local/gcc2/. This is to avoid problems on
Linux, where the default /usr/bin/gcc is already version 3.2, and
to provide backwards compatibility on Solaris, where gcc 3.x will
shortly become the default. To use this version of the compiler, you
will need to add this to the front of your PATH:

setenv PATH /usr/local/gcc2/bin:${PATH}
setenv MANPATH /usr/local/gcc2/man:${MANPATH}

For more details:

> man gcc
> info /usr/local/gcc2/info/

The Gnu compiler collection includes C, C++, Objective C, and Fortran 77
gcc 3.3 gcc has been upgraded to version 3.3. It has also been installed
into /usr/local/bin as the default gcc compiler, replacing the previous
default of gcc-2.

If you would rather still use the gcc-2 compilers, add /usr/local/gcc2/bin
to the front of your path:
setenv PATH /usr/local/gcc2/bin:${PATH}

The previous version of the gcc-3 compilers has been removed from

For more details:

1. see the man pages for gcc(1)
2. see the info pages in /usr/local/info/
gcc 4.3.1 The default compiler on Solaris 10 has been upgraded to gcc v4.3.1.
For more information, see
libXpm The library supporting the XPM graphic type has been upgraded
to version 3.4k.
tk/tcl V8.3.4 Tcl and TK, a simple scripting language and a GUI, has been installed. For
more information, see:

Man pages for this software have also been installed. For more information:


Email/Internet Top

firefox V3.6.0 (Solaris) The Firefox web browser has been upgraded to the latest version. It was
upgraded on Solaris, and will be installed as part of the OS on Linux
and Mac OS machines.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Mutt Mutt is a great Unix non-X-windows mail reading system with support
for mime. More information on mutt can be found at:

It has been upgraded to provide bug fixes. For a list of changes, see
32-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Clamav 0.85.1 (new-phobos only) Clamav is a e-mail virus scanning mail filter. It is setup to reject
e-mails that contain known e-mail viruses.
32-bit Linux
imap-2006f Imapd is the daemon that allows mail reading programs to access
e-mail on our mail server. We run imap with SSL encryption. For
more details on this software, see:
32-bit Linux
vacation- The vacation program that works so well under Solaris has been
installed under Linux. This program does two things. In interactive
mode, it sets up the .vacation.msg and .forward files in a person's
home directory and turns itself on or off. In non-interactive
mode, it automatically replies to a persons incoming e-mail.
See it's man page for more details.
32-bit Linux
Netscape 7.1 A new version of Netscape Navigator has been installed. It may be run as:

> netscape-7

This software provides a stable web browser and offers other features
like newsgroup reading and e-mail support. For information on
the new features, see the release notes at
32-bit Linux
Pine 4.64 Pine, the mail reader, has been upgraded to version 4.64
. More
information can be found in the man pages for pine

> man pine

or online at:

And the release notes can be viewed off the main startup page with the
"R" key.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
MHonArc2.4.9 mhonarc is a mail to html converter that converts single e-mails or
whole mail boxes to html. For more information:

> man mhonarc
32-bit Linux
Netscape V6.2.x Netscape 6 has been upgraded to version 6.2.1beta on Solaris and version 6.2.2
on Linux. Version 6 of Netscape is an entirely different program than
the older Netscape 4, providing a much different interface, as well as
more modern features such as Instant Messaging. Try it out as:

> netscape-6

The older Netscape 4.78 is still the default "netscape" program.

32-bit Linux
On-line Digests Links to web versions of the Digests have been placed on the ADPF
documentation page:
32-bit Linux
RealPlayer 8 The latest version of the player for internet audio and video content
has been installed. It includes a "Help" menu for more information.
32-bit Linux
SpamAssassin 2.64 SpamAssassin is a mail filter program that can help identify and mark
e-mails that have contents resembling SPAM. It can be run on a per-user
basis, or on a site-wide basis. When SpamAssassin identifies a spam, it
changes the "Subject:" of the e-mail to contain the word "
32-bit Linux
SpamAssassin 3.2.3 SpamAssassin is a mail filter program that can help identify and mark
e-mails that have contents resembling SPAM. It can be run on a per-user
basis, or on a site-wide basis. When SpamAssassin identifies a spam, it
changes the "Subject:" of the e-mail to contain the word "
32-bit Linux
clamav 0.93.3 Clamav is a virus scanning program that we run on our mail servers.
This upgrade mostly fixes performance bugs which cause clamav-milter to
hog CPU on solaris. . For more details on clamav, please see
32-bit Linux
lynx 2.8.4 The 'lynx' text-based web browser has been installed. This browser
provides a fast way to access web pages, albeit without graphics. It
is often useful over slow network links, such as a modem. To start
the program:

> lynx

Press 'h', 'H', or '?' to access the on-line help. There is also
a detailed Users Guide available:

32-bit Linux
mp 3.7.1 This is an e-mail to postscript pretty printing filter that already
exists under Solaris. Example:

> cat | mp | lp -d ps

The man page describes the various options:

> man mp
32-bit Linux
mtv (linux=v1.2.5, solaris=v1.0.9.7) Mtv is an mpeg and VCD player. It can be combined with plugger for
embedded mpegs in web pages, or can be run standalone. More information is
32-bit Linux
plugger-4.0 Plugger is streaming Multimedia plugin for netscape. It allows us to
have embedded mpegs, and lots of other different types of files in netscape

Lots of information and instructions on installing other utilities at:
32-bit Linux
wget 1.6 Wget is a freely available GNU network utility to retrieve files from the
World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP. It works non-interactively, thus enabling
downloads in the background. For more information:

> wget --help
> man wget

or see the on-line manual:
32-bit Linux
ytalk 3.1.1 ytalk has been installed on Linux and Solaris computers. This will
allow the Linux 'ntalk' daemon to talk to the Solaris 'talk' daemon
so that the talk program will work. To run it, use the "talk" program
in /usr/local/bin
> talk @
For more information see:
> man ytalk

If you don't like the X interface, either use the "-x" flag or put
the following line in your .ytalkrc file
turn X off
32-bit Linux
wget 1.9.1 Wget is a freely available GNU network utility to retrieve files from the
World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP. It works non-interactively, thus enabling
downloads in the background. For more information:

> wget --help
> man wget

or see the on-line manual:
32-bit Linux
AOLserver 3.4 An AOLserver web server has been installed on
This server runs on port 8000 and supports the Palomar observing database
efforts. The primary web server for the Astronomy Department is still the
Apache 1.3.20 server running on port 80. For more information on AOLserver,
see the web page:
Macromedia Flash Player 5 The Flash Player from Macromedia has been installed as a browser plugin.
Macromedia Flash is a common means for integrating dynamic graphics into
web pages. This plugin should allow all users to transparently view such
pages with Netscape.
Netscape 7.0 A new version of Netscape Navigator has been installed. It may be run as:

> netscape-7

This software provides a stable web browser and offers other features
like newsgroup reading and e-mail support. For information on
the new features, see the release notes at
Perlfect 3.31b Perlfect Search is an effective site indexing/searching tool. We
have installed it on our web server agn. For more information,
please see:
netscape V4.8 A new version of Netscape Communicator has been installed. This
software provides a fast, stable web browser and offers other features
like newsgroup reading and e-mail support. For information on
the new features, see the release notes at :

Note that this Netscape Communicator is becoming somewhat outdated.
Users who require the most advanced web browser should instead use
Netscape 6 (Solaris), Netscape 7 (Linux), or Mozilla (Linux and Solaris).
procmail Procmail has been installed in /usr/local/bin. This program allows
automatic filtering of incoming e-mails by subject, or sender.
For more details:
1. Man pages procmailrc(5) and procmailex(5)
2. An FAQ for mail filtering at
3. /usr/local/src/procmail-3.14/FAQ
procmail V3.22 Procmail has been upgraded on Solaris into /usr/local/bin. This program allows
automatic filtering of incoming e-mails by subject, or sender.
For more details:
1. Man pages procmailrc(5) and procmailex(5)
2. An FAQ for mail filtering at
3. /usr/local/src/procmail-3.22/FAQ
Macromedia Flash Player The Flash Player from Macromedia has been installed as a browser plugin.
Macromedia Flash is a common means for integrating dynamic graphics into
web pages. This plugin should allow all users to transparently view such
pages with Netscape and mozilla.
32-bit Linux
mozilla V1.5b(solaris) mozilla V1.4(linux) The mozilla web browser has been upgraded. This program is based on
netscape navigator/communicator and provides a stable web browser and
offers other features like newsgroup reading and e-mail support. For
information on the features, see the release notes at (solaris) (linux)
32-bit Linux
firefox V1.0.2(solaris) V1.0.3(linux and macosx) The firefox web browser has been upgraded. This program is based on
the mozilla/netscape navigator and provides a faster, safer and more
efficient web browser. It is a web browser only; If you need a
mail client, please use the related "thunderbird" software.

For more details, see:
32-bit Linux
mpack V1.5 Mpack and munpack are utilities for encoding and decoding binary files
in MIME format. For more details, see
> man mpack
> man munpack
32-bit Linux
thunderbird 1.0 The Thunder e-mail client has been installed. This program is based on
the mozilla/netscape communicator but provides a faster, safer and more
productive e-mail experience.

For more details, see:
32-bit Linux

Astronomical Top

Karma 1.7.20 From the website: "Karma is a toolkit for interprocess communications,
authentication, encryption, graphics display, user interface and
manipulating the Karma network data structure." It is useful for (but
not limited to) the analysis of radio data. More information can be
found on the website:

To use the package, one will need to source a startup file:

source /usr/local/karma/.login (for tcsh)
. /usr/local/karma/.karmarc (for bash)

This package is somewhat out-dated, but still appears to be in working
order. It has only been installed on our Intel Macs.
Intel Mac
SciSoft 2012 8 1 The SciSoft package has been upgraded on the Intel Macs. SciSoft is
a collection of pre-assembled astronomical packages for Mac, including
IRAF, Python tools, MIDAS, etc. More information is available from
the website:

To use the package, one will need to source a startup file:

source /usr/local/scisoft/bin/Setup.csh
source /usr/local/scisoft/bin/Setup.bash
Intel Mac
funtools 1.3.0 The "Funtools FITS manipulation package has been installed. Funtools is a
FITS library and utility package from SAO. The Funtools library provides
simplified access to FITS images and binary tables, as well as to raw array
and binary event lists. The Funtools utilities provide high-level support
for processing astronomical data. This package is most useful for researchers
who are occasional (but serious) software coders.

The package is installed in /usr/local/optical/funtools, so you will probably
want something like the following in your .cshrc (or similar) startup file:

setenv PATH /usr/local/optical/funtools/bin:${PATH}
setenv MANPATH /usr/local/optical/funtools/man:${MANPATH}

More information can be found on the Funtools website as well:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
swarp 2.19.1 The SWarp software has been upgraded to version 2.19.1. SWarp is a program
that resamples and co-adds together FITS images using any arbitrary
astrometric projection defined in the WCS standard. It is described
in detail on its web page:

There is also a manual page:

> man -M /usr/local/optical/swarp/man swarp

and a local copy of the user manual:

32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Aladin 6.0 The standalone version of the Aladin software has been installed. As stated
on the web page, "Aladin is an interactive software sky atlas allowing the
user to visualize digitized images of any part of the sky, to superimpose
entries from astronomical catalogs or personal user data files, and to
interactively access related data and information from the SIMBAD, NED,
VizieR, or other archives for all known objects in the field. Aladin is
particularly useful for multi-spectral cross-identifications of astronomical
sources, observation preparation and quality control of new data sets."

More information, including a FAQ and a manual, is available on the web:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
GMS 5.3 The Grants Management System (GMS) for electronically submitting HST grants
has been upgraded. It can be run as:


on Linux and Solaris. On Mac OS X, just double click on:

32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Gemini Observing Tool The "Abeja 3.5" version of the Gemini Observing Tool (OT) has been installed.
The Gemini Observing Tool is the software used for detailed definition and
pre-planning of observations from approved proposals during the Phase II
process. This version supports new programs for semester 2006B. The program
is run under Linux and Solaris by typing:

> OT

On Mac OS, the program is a Mac OS application in /usr/local/Applications/.

There is a built-in Help menu, and more details can be found on the web page:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
IRAF 2.12.2 IRAF, the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility, has been upgraded to
the latest version, 2.12.2. This is a minor patch to fix a number of
bugs, especially under Linux. The changes are described in detail at:

For further information, see the IRAF web site:

The version of IRAF on the Intel-based Macs is actually 2.13-b2, which
contains a few additional features over version 2.12. We will re-synchronize
the versions when IRAF 2.14 is released.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
MIR The most recent version (Mar 25 2009) of the IDL MIR program has been
installed in /usr/local/rsi/idl/external/mir/. This software is used
for analyzing data from the Smithsonian Submillimeter Array (SMA).
For more information, one should probably check out the MIR Cookbook:

A crude setup file with approximate environment variable settings can
be found in /usr/local/rsi/idl/external/mir/setup.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
PIT 2008A The Gemini Phase I Tool (PIT) for the 2008A semester has been installed
on the Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X computers. PIT is a Java-based tool
for the preparation and submission of proposals for time on the Gemini
telescopes. For more information, including a "Beginner's Cookbook",
see the web pages:

To run the program, simply type "PIT", or, on Mac OS, double-click
on /usr/local/Applications/PIT.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
SExtractor 2.5.0 SExtractor is a program that makes catalogs from astronomical images, in
a fully automatic way. It recognizes objects in an image and is able to
classify them as stars, galaxies, etc. based on a number of criteria, such
as shape. SExtractor has been upgraded to version 2.5.0. For more
information, see the web page:

or the manuals:


Sample configuration files are in:


Note that you will need to add /usr/local/optical/sextractor/bin/ to
your PATH to use this tool.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
SPOT v18.0.1 The SIRTF Planning Observations Tool (SPOT) has been upgraded. This is a
Java-based tool for preparing observations on the SIRTF observatory.

Note that the Mac OS X version of these tools is a native Mac application
and as such can be found in:


There is an on-line "Help" menu, and the User Guide is available locally:


Users will also want to visit the web site for the SIRTF Science Center:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Spitzer MOPEX The 030106 version of the Spitzer MOPEX package has been installed. MOPEX
is the primary "Post-BCD" software package for the reduction of Spitzer
IRAC and MIPS data. More information can be found at:

In order to use the software, you will need to source a setup file:

source /usr/local/infrared/mopex/mopex.csh <-- csh, tcsh

This can be added to your .cshrc or similar startup file.

The demo and calibration data have also been installed, in the directory:

32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
ds9 6.0 The ds9 astronomical image display program has been upgraded to version
6.0. This is a major update. For a description of the new features, see:

There is a built-in "Help" menu. The complete web page is at:

On the Macs, there are two versions of 'ds9': a new one that runs within the
standard Mac Finder environment (in /usr/local/Applications/ds9) and one that
runs in the usual X11 environment (in /usr/local/bin/ds9).
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
xephem 3.7.4 The 'xephem' ephemeris utility has been installed. This is a full-featured
planetarium/ephemeris program, which allows one to create and view charts
of the sky, ephemeris tables, etc. It includes large numbers of astronomical
objects, such as the Messier objects, as well as planetary data. To run
the program:

> xephem

There is a large amount of on-line help, or see the web page:

or the manual page:

> man xephem
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
CASA 3.2.1 CASA, the Common Astronomy Software Applications package, is a set
of analysis programs being developed with the primary goal of supporting
the data post-processing needs of the next generation of radio
astronomical telescopes such as ALMA and EVLA. We currenly have this
installed on the 32-bit and 64-bit Linux machines:

> /usr/local/casa/casapy

and on the Intel-based Macs

> open /usr/local/Applications/CASA

More information can be found on the CASA website:

This package is currently changing rapidly, so check back frequently
for updates.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
CIAO 4.2/4.3 CIAO, the X-ray analysis package for Chandra data, has been upgraded to
version 4.2 on the 32-bit and 64-bit Linux machines, and to version 4.3
on the Intel Macs. Note that the PPC Macs and Solaris workstations still
have the older CIAO 3.3 installed. Let help@astro know if you would like
either of those to be upgraded. Complete release notes documenting the
changes in this version of the software can be found at:

To use the CIAO software, you will want something like this in your startup
file (e.g. .cshrc):

alias ciao source /usr/local/xray/ciao/bin/ciao.csh

Then type 'ciao' to load the software. More information is available on
the CIAO web site:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
CIAO Calibration Database (CALDB) 4.4.1 The X-ray calibration database for use with CIAO has been upgraded to
version 4.4.1. This upgrade includes a number of changes outlined in:


For more information on CALDB, there is a web page:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
MIRIAD 4.2.3 The MIRIAD package for the analysis of radio interferometry data has been
upgraded. From the web page: "MIRIAD (Multichannel Image Reconstruction,
Image Analysis and Display) is a toolbox, in the form of an environment
with a large set of moderate-sized programs which perform individual tasks,
involving calibration, mapping, deconvolution and image analysis of
interferometric data." It is most useful for analyzing BIMA, OVRO, and
CARMA data: the default installation is customized for CARMA data.

In order to use it, you will probably need to source a startup file:

source /usr/local/miriad/miriad/miriad_start.csh

We have recently installed a MIRIAD version customized for SMA data. To
use that version instead, source this file:

source /usr/local/miriad/miriad-sma/miriad_start.csh

More information is available from the Miriad web pages at:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
makee 5.2.3-may08 The 'makee' software for the analysis of HIRES and ESI data has been
installed on the Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris computers, in the
directory /usr/local/optical/makee. This latest version is on
Solaris 9, Solaris 10, and Mac OS X (PPC and Intel). The version on
Linux (32-bit) is still the slightly older v5.2.2.

In order to use the programs, you will probably want something like this
in your .cshrc (or other startup) file:

setenv PATH /usr/local/optical/makee/bin:${PATH}
setenv MAKEE_DIR /usr/local/optical/makee

For assistance, check out the web page:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
APT 19.2 The Astronomer's Proposal Tool (APT) from STScI has been upgraded. This
version is needed for the latest cycle 19 proposals.

In Mac OS X, APT is a Macintosh (not X11) application, so these programs
are run by double-clicking the application icon in /usr/local/Applications/.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
Atomic Database (ATOMDB) 2.0.1 The X-ray atomic data database for use with CIAO, XSPEC, and other
tools has been upgraded to version 2.0.1. For more information on
ATOMDB, there is a web site:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
IDL 8.1 IDL has been upgraded to the latest version, v8.1. This powerful data
analysis and visualization package has online help (type '?'), as well
as a PDF manual set. This is a major upgrade; IDL 8.1 includes many
new features, including a new graphics engine.

Users might also consult the ITT Visualization web site:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
CFITSIO 3.25 The CFITSIO library for FITS file input/output has been upgraded to the
latest version on Linux and Mac OS X (Intel). This library is needed by
a number of astronomy tools, but is easy enough to use in your own
FORTRAN and C programs. The library provides for easy access of FITS
data files, including the header and data segments.
For documentation, see:


or the web page:

To use the library, you will need something like this in your compile

-L/usr/local/lib -lcfitsio

The Perl module for accessing CFITSIO routines in Perl has
also been upgraded to version 1.05. For a bit of information on this
feature, see:
32-bit Linux
Intel Mac
vpfit 9.5 The VPFIT program enables one to fit multiple Voigt profiles to
spectroscopic data. More information can be found on the web site:

Also installed is the RDGEN program, which provides for general
spectral plotting, modifying, visualizing and interfacing with VPFIT.
Both programs are located in /usr/local/optical/vpfit/bin.
Intel Mac
AIPS 31DEC11 The AIPS package for analysis of radio astronomy data has been upgraded
to the most recent version, 31DEC11. This is a reasonable upgrade from
our previous version, 31DEC08, so parameter files may need to be reset
and some tasks will have new parameters to add. A full description of the
package, including a "Cookbook" and other documentation, is available
at the AIPS web site:

In order to use AIPS, you will need to add something like this to your
.cshrc or similar login file:

source /usr/local/aips/LOGIN.CSH

AIPS is then invoked with the command, 'aips'.

Note that your machine must be setup to run AIPS properly. Also, note
that we have only installed the latest version of AIPS on our Linux
machines. Please contact help@astro if you would like AIPS enabled on
your workstation, or if you would like it installed on Solaris or
Mac OS X.
32-bit Linux
CASSIS 1.2 From the CASSIS web page: CASSIS (Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres
Infrarouges et Sub-millimetriques) is an interactive software package to
visualize and analyze spectra taken with radiotelescopes. It accepts data
files generated by CLASS or ASCII tables. Coupled with databases and basic
models, CASSIS is particularly useful to identify lines and to deduce
physical parameters.

For more information, see the CASSIS web page:

Please note that this software requires a large database and is only
installed on the Linux machine "istari" in the submillimeter group.
32-bit Linux
MOOG The April, 2002 version of MOOG has been installed. MOOG is a numerical
code for performing a variety of LTE line analysis and spectrum synthesis
tasks, such as determining the chemical composition of a star. For more
information, including instructions for usage and examples, see the local


or the web site:
32-bit Linux
SETI@home 3.03 The SETI@home software for Linux has been installed. Users wishing to
help in the SETI project may want to run something like this:

> setiathome -graphics -nice 10 &
> xsetiathome

This software will search for periodic signals in Arecibo radio data
obtained for the SETI project. If you would like, register as a member
of the "Caltech Astronomy Department" account, and our work will accumulate
as a group. More information is available from the SETI@home web site:
32-bit Linux
OSIRIS pipeline We have installed version 3.2 of the Keck OSIRIS pipeline. It has
been installed in the directory:


More info on the pipeline is available on the website:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
deep 1.1.4 The DEEP DEIMOS data pipeline has been upgraded. This pipeline was
developed by the DEEP2 team at the University of California-Berkeley (UCB).
The pipeline is written primarily in IDL and is based upon the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectral reduction package. For more information,
see the web page:

The software is available only on Linux, where it is installed in
the directory /usr/local/optical/deep/. The DEEP calibration files
have been upgraded as well.

You will probably need some environment definitions as well, similar to these:

setenv IDLUTILS_DIR /usr/local/optical/deep/idlutils
setenv DEEP_DIR /usr/local/optical/deep/deep
setenv CALIB_DATA /usr/local/optical/deep/calib
setenv IDLSPEC1D_DIR /usr/local/optical/deep/deep/spec1d
setenv IDLSPEC2D_DIR /usr/local/optical/deep/deep/spec2d
setenv PATH $DEEP_DIR/spec2d/bin:$PATH

setenv DEIMOS_DATA /scr2//DEIMOS
setenv D2_RESULTS /scr2//DEIMOS/results
32-bit Linux
IDL Astronomy User's Library The most recent version (Dec 05) of the IDL Astronomy User's Library has
been installed in /usr/local/rsi/idl/external/astron/. For more information,
please see the README and a description of the available procedures:


The primary web site, with more detailed descriptions of the various
IDL procedures, can be found at:

To use the library, you may want to add something like this to your IDL file:

; add all subpaths of the IDL external directory, prepending
!PATH = expand_path('+' + !DIR + ':' + 'external' + ':' + !PATH)
; setup non-standard system variables for astro library

The following must be defined in your startup file (e.g. .cshrc) for the
above to work:

setenv IDL_STARTUP ~/
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
yoda 1.2.5 YODA (Yet another Object Detection Application) is a software package
for performing object detection, photometry, and star-galaxy classification
on astronomical images. It was specifically developed to cope with multi-band
imaging data as are common in modern extragalactic imaging surveys, and to be
modular and therefore easily adaptable to specific needs.

To use yoda, add this to your PATH:

setenv PATH /usr/local/optical/yoda/bin:${PATH}

Then it can be run with the command:

> yoda

For help, try:

> yoda --help

or see the web page:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
CARMA rtd The CARMA real-time display (rtd) has been installed in /usr/local/carma.
The program itself can be run as:

32-bit Linux
CTIO The CTIO package in IRAF has been installed. Although quite old, this
package provides a number of useful astronomy tasks, many of which are
unique to this package. The package and its tasks all contain help
pages accessible through the standard IRAF 'help' command.
32-bit Linux
CalFUSE 3.1.3 The latest version of the calibration pipeline for FUSE data, CalFUSE,
has been installed. The pipeline is useful for re-calibrating older data
retrieved from the FUSE archive at MAST, which might have been processed
with an earlier version of the pipeline.

In order to use it, you will need to define something like this:

> setenv PATH /usr/local/uv/CalFUSE/v3.1/bin:${PATH}
> setenv CF_CALDIR /data/uv/fuse/v3.1/calfiles
> setenv CF_IDLDIR /usr/local/uv/CalFUSE/v3.1/idl

and then run it on a file:

> calfuse.csh [filename]

More details can be found on the CalFUSE web page:
32-bit Linux
ISAP 2.1 + LIA 8.1 The ISAP (ISO Spectral Analysis Package) and LIA (LWS Interactive Analysis)
packages have been installed. These packages are IDL routines for the analysis
of ISO data from the SWS and LWS instruments. The software is run by typing:

> isap

For more information, see the web page at:
32-bit Linux
MSCRED 4.8 The MSCRED package in IRAF has been upgraded. This package is used for
reducing CCD mosaic data in which the data is in the mosaic MEF data
format (e.g., Kitt Peak, CTIO, and others). There are some helpful
documents at the URL:

This upgrade fixes a few bugs and adds support for shutter corrections.

The MSCDB database package has also been upgraded, to version 4.2, to add
support for crosstalk, bad pixel masks, and better WCS solutions for the
KPNO Mosaic cameras.

Finally, the MSC database files for the LFC instrument at Palomar have been
added to MSCDB as well. See Matt Hunt's LFCRED web page and software for
further assistance reducing LFC data:
32-bit Linux
Marx 4.0.8 The MARX simulator has been upgraded to version 4.0.8. This software
simulates the response of the Chandra X-ray Observatory and is extremely
useful for Chandra proposals and data analysis. To run the simulator,

> source /usr/local/xray/marx/bin/marxsetup
> marx

Documentation can be found at:


or on the web site:
32-bit Linux
PyDrizzle 4.7.4 + MultiDrizzle 1.3.8 PyDrizzle and MultiDrizzle have been upgraded. These tools are PyRAF
programs for drizzling dithered data, particularly from the ACS
instrument on HST. For more information, see the web pages:

The latest changes are documented in:


and include a number of improvements in the handling of WCS information.
32-bit Linux
STSDAS/TABLES 3.2 The STSDAS and TABLES packages in IRAF have been upgraded to version 3.2.
This is a minor update; for a summary of the changes, see:
32-bit Linux
TinyTim Tiny Tim is a software package for generating Hubble Space Telescope
(HST) model point spread functions (PSFs). It is easy to use and
relatively fast.

For more deatils as well as example applications of PSF models and
the FAQ list, check :

In order to run it, you will probably want something like this in
your .cshrc (or other startup) file:

setenv TINYTIM /usr/local/optical/tinytim

The available programs are tiny1, tiny2, tiny3.
32-bit Linux
WCSTools 3.6.3 The WCS Tools utilities have been upgraded. These are a number of
excellent utilities for reading and manipulating the World Coordinate
System (WCS) in astronomical images. For a summary of the commands, run:

> /usr/local/optical/wcstools/bin/wcstools

There are also extensive web pages at:

You will want to add the following to your .cshrc file to use the wcstools:

setenv PATH /usr/local/optical/wcstools/bin:${PATH}
setenv MANPATH /usr/local/optical/wcstools/man:${MANPATH}
32-bit Linux
X11IRAF 1.3.1 The X11IRAF package has been upgraded. This is a minor bug fix. The
X11IRAF package includes 'xgterm', 'ximtool', and 'xtapemon'. Use of
'xgterm' with IRAF is highly encouraged. 'ximtool' has been improved
with this release, althought it still requires an 8-bit display visual
to function properly. Each of these tools has a manual page, for example:

> man xgterm
> man ximtool

Further information on X11IRAF is available at:
32-bit Linux
GILDAS Sep10A The "Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software" (GILDAS) has been
upgraded to the "Sep 10A" version. This software was developed by Grenoble
and IRAM for the analysis of (sub-)millimeter astronomy data. For more
information, see the web page:

In order to use the software, you will need to source a setup file:

source /usr/local/gildas/gildas_setup.csh <-- csh, tcsh
source /usr/local/gildas/ <-- sh, bash

This can be added to your .cshrc or similar startup file. There is
extensive documentation in:




Version Dec10C of GILDAS is installed on our Intel Macs. If you require this
software on Solaris, please send e-mail to
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
MFITSIO 1.2.4 MFITSIO is a MATLAB interface to the CFITSIO library. MFITSIO is used
to read FITS images and headers into MATLAB. In order to use the library,
you will need to add this path to the MATLAB path:


More information is available on the website:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Montage 3.3 We have installed the Montage software for the creation of image
mosaics. This product is produced by IPAC/IRSA and documented on
their website:

In order to use this, you will need to add this to your PATH:

32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
ccdproc 1.4p2 We have installed Rick Pogge's 'ccdproc' routines on the Linux machines.
These provide a simple method to perform basic reductions on raw CCD
images. Documentation can be found on the web page:

To use the routines, add /usr/local/optical/ccproc to your PATH.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
HEAsoft X-ray package 6.1.1 The HEAsoft X-ray analysis package from HEASARC has been upgraded. This
software suite includes the popular FTOOLS, XANADU, and XSPEC packages, with
numerous tools for FITS image and spectral analysis, particularly for X-ray
data (ASCA, INTEGRAL, ROSAT, Swift, XTE, and others). Consult the HEAsoft
web pages for more information, user documentation, etc.:

To use the LHEA software, you will want something like this in your startup
file (e.g. .cshrc):

alias heainit source /usr/local/xray/headas/headas-init.csh <-- tcsh
alias heainit source /usr/local/xray/headas/ <-- bash

Then type 'heainit' to load the software.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
SAS 10.0.0 The XMM-Newton Science Analysis System (SAS) has been upgraded. The SAS
is an extensive suite of software tools designed to reduce and analyze the
data collected by the XMM-Newton X-ray observatory. This is a major upgrade;
changes are described on the SAS web site (see below). In order to use the
software, you will want something like this in your startup file
(e.g. .cshrc):

source /usr/local/xray/headas/headas-init.csh
source /usr/local/xray/xmm/setsas.csh

For help, run the command:

> sashelp

or see the SAS web pages at:

The XMM calibration and response files have also been installed in
the directories:


These data are updated every Sunday afternoon.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Sonnet 12.56 The Sonnet software has been upgraded on the Solaris and Linux machines
(32-bit dna 64-bit). Sonnet is a package for circuit design and testing.
In order to run it, you will probably want something like this in your
.cshrc (or other startup) file:

setenv SONNET_DIR /usr/local/sonnet
setenv PATH ${SONNET_DIR}/bin:${PATH}

To start the software, run 'sonnet'. The software has integrated "Help".
For details on the new features in version 12, see the Sonnet web site:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
XSpec 12.3.0i The XSpec program, a part of the HEAsoft package for the analysis of
X-ray specta, has been patched to the latest version. The changes included
in recent patches are summarized on the web at:

See the summary of the HEAsoft package for instructions on using Xspec.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
AIPS++ 1.9 The AIPS++ software for the analysis of radio telescope data has been
upgraded. AIPS++ is the successor to AIPS and is in active development.
For documentation, see the local file:


or the AIPS++ web site:

To use the AIPS++ software, you need to first source a startup file:

> source /usr/local/aips++/aipsinit.csh
> aips++

You may want to make an alias for the first command.
32-bit Linux
CALSTIS 2.13b The CALSTIS task in IRAF has been updated. This is a minor patch to the
pipeline calibration software for the STIS instrument on HST. Further
information on the patch may be found at:
32-bit Linux
CIAO scripts (12-AUG-2003) A number of scripts for the analysis of X-ray data with CIAO have been
upgraded/installed. For more information, see the web page:
32-bit Linux
COBE/IRAS Dust Maps The IR Dust maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner, & Davis (1998; ApJ, 500, 525)
have been installed in /usr/local/optical/dust/. There you will find IDL
and C libraries for accessing these maps. The IDL routines are also
available in the standard IDL library location:

/usr/local/rsi/idl/external/dust_map/CodeIDL/ - IDL code version 1
/usr/local/rsi/idl/external/dust_map/CodeIDLNew/ - IDL code version 2
/usr/local/rsi/idl/external/dust_map/maps/ - the maps

For more information on the maps, see:
32-bit Linux
COLOR 4.0 The COLOR package in IRAF has been installed on both Linux and Solaris
computers. This package is used for creating 3-color figures, usually
from separate red, blue, and green images. There is extensive help
within the package, using the standard IRAF 'help' command. In particular,
the command:

cl> help color.package

provides a "Guide to Making Color Composites from IRAF Images".
32-bit Linux
CalcRMF 1.0 A utility has been installed for calculating ARF and RMF files, primarily
for X-ray data analysis using the CIAO package. For more information, see
the README file:

32-bit Linux
ChaSeR DS6.6.0 The ChaSeR (Chandra Search and Retrieve) software has been upgraded. This
tool is used for accessing the Chandra X-ray Observatory archive. This is
a simple Java application for finding, examining, and downloading data
from the archive. There is on-line help at:

There is also a Web version of the tool at:
32-bit Linux
FIGARO 5.6-0 The FIGARO package for optical astronomical data analysis has been
installed as part of the Starlink software package. This is the only
version of Figaro on Linux, while Solaris also has the older version
in /usr/local/fig24/. To use this newer version of Figaro, you will
need to run the standard Starlink startup commands:

> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/login
> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/cshrc

and then:

> figaro

You may want to put an alias for this in your startup (.login/.cshrc)
files. For help, run:

> fighelp
32-bit Linux
FLUXES 1.1/JPL The FLUXES and JPL Starlink packages have been installed. FLUXES calculates
accurate topocentric positions of the planets and also integrated flux
densities of five of them at several wavelengths. It is primarily used
for calibration purposes for the JCMT telescope. The JPL library and
data sets provide high-accuracy predictions for the positions and
velocities of the Sun and planets.

To use these packages, you will need to run the standard Starlink
startup commands:

> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/login
> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/cshrc

You may want to put an alias for this in your startup (.login/.cshrc)
32-bit Linux
GAIA 2.5-3 The GAIA tool for astronomical image display has been installed.
This is the default image tool for use with the Starlink data
reduction package. To use GAIA, you will need to run the standard
Starlink startup commands:

> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/login
> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/cshrc

You may want to put an alias for this in your startup (.login/.cshrc)
files. The GAIA tool has a "Help" menu.
32-bit Linux
HEALPix 2.01 HEALPix is an acronym for "Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization"
of a sphere. As suggested in the name, this pixelization produces a subdivision
of a spherical surface in which each pixel covers the same surface area as
every other pixel. This software is used for CMB analysis, among other things.
The latest version (2.01) has been installed in /usr/local/optical/Healpix.
More information can be found on the web site:

Note that HEALPix is installed on both Linux and Solaris, but not on Mac OS X.
If you require this software on Mac OS X, please send e-mail to us at
32-bit Linux
HEAsoft X-ray package 5.0.4 A minor patch has been applied to the HEAsoft X-ray data analysis package.
This update only affects users of XTE data reduction tools. More information
on the patch is available at:
32-bit Linux
IDLWAVE 4.14 The IDLWAVE emacs mode for IDL and WAVE files has been upgraded in
/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp. This mode enhances emacs when editing
IDL (*.pro) and WAVE files. To use it, add the following lines to your
~/.emacs file:

(autoload 'idlwave-mode "idlwave" "IDLWAVE Mode" t)
(autoload 'idlwave-shell "idlw-shell" "IDLWAVE Shell" t)
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.pro\\'" . idlwave-mode)
(setq idlwave-help-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/")
(add-hook 'idlwave-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)

Help is available interactively with emacs, or through the "info" system:

> info idlwave

Also see the official web page:
32-bit Linux
JCMT OT The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Observing Tool (JCMT OT) has been
installed. This tool is used for the preparation and submission of
proposals to use the JCMT. The JCMT is a 15-meter telescope in the
submillimetre wavelength range; its premiere instrument is SCUBA, the
Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array. To use the tool, run the

> jcmtot

There is a "Help" menu within the program. A primer on its use can be
found at:

where there are also links to the JCMT and associated resources.

02APR2003 PROG LS Java Advanced Imaging API
In the course of installing the JCMT OT software (above), the "Java
Advanced Imaging API" has been installed with the Java SDK 1.3.1, in
the directory /usr/local/java/jsdk1.3.1_01/. More information on this
software can be obtained at:
32-bit Linux
JHU/APL/S1R IDL Library The JHU Library for IDL has been upgraded to the latest version. This
library provides over 600 IDL routines useful for scientific analysis.
For more information, see the web site:

To use the library, you will need to add /usr/local/rsi/idl/external/jhuapl
to the path in your IDL startup file (usually
32-bit Linux
JObserve 1.6.4 The JObserve utility for generating observing schedules for the VLA has
been installed. This is a Java-based rewrite of an older "observe" program.
It is run as:

> jobserve

For more information on its use, consult the "Help" menu or see the
relevant web page:
32-bit Linux
MAKE_ACISBG 010101 A utility has been installed for dealing with the sky background in ACIS
images from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. More information can be obtained


including a Cookbook, the necessary parameter file, and examples.
32-bit Linux
MIDAS NOV99pl2.2 The MIDAS data reduction package has been installed. MIDAS is a package
from ESO for the analysis of optical/IR data. Type 'midas' or 'inmidas'
to run the software, or 'gomidas' to restart an old MIDAS session. There
is on-line 'help', or see the MIDAS web page:
32-bit Linux
MTOOLS 5Mar98 The MTOOLS package has been installed in IRAF. This package contains
a hodge-podge of various IRAF tasks by Jeff Munn, including tasks for
generating airmass curves, converting directories of files to and from
FITS, plotting 2-d data, and principal components analysis. For more
information, see:


This package was already installed on the Solaris machines; it is now
installed on the Linux machines as well.
32-bit Linux
PyRAF 1.1p2 PyRAF has been upgraded to version 1.1. This is a minor upgrade that
is compatible with the STSDAS 3.1 package in IRAF. PyRAF extends the
functionality of the IRAF image analysis system using Python. These
extensions include a complete command line editor, graphical parameter
editing ('epar') and help screens, support for multiple simultaneous
graphics windows, and much more. For details, see the PyRAF documentation
page on the web:

To run the program, type 'pyraf' in your standard IRAF directory.
32-bit Linux
RVSAO 2.3.3 The RVSAO package in IRAF has been installed on both Linux and Solaris
computers. RVSAO is an IRAF add-on package developed at the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory Telescope Data Center to obtain radial
velocities from spectra using cross-correlation and emission line
fitting techniques.

There is extensive help within the package, using the standard IRAF 'help'
command. There is also a very useful web site:
32-bit Linux
SAOtng 1.9.1 The SAOtng astronomical image display program has been installed. It
has extensive built-in help under the "Help" button. This program has
been largely superseded by 'ds9'.
32-bit Linux
SAXDAS 2.2.1 The SAXDAS package for analyzing data from the BeppoSAX X-ray satellite
has been installed. It is built as a HEASOFT package, so the tasks are
accessed in the usual way for that software, starting with:

setenv LHEASOFT /usr/local/xray/lheasoft/SunOS_5.6_sparc
alias lhea source ${LHEASOFT}/lhea-init.csh

Then type 'lhea' to load the software. For help with the SAXDAS package,
see the web page:
32-bit Linux
SLAlib SLAlib is a popular library of positional astronomy routines, produced
by the Starlink project in the UK. This library is heavily used at
observatories around the world. For more information, see the manual:


or the on-line web copy at:

There are two versions of the library installed in /usr/local/lib/:

libsla_f.a - FORTRAN library
libsla_c.a - C library

In order to link to the library, you will need something like this
in your compile command:

-L/usr/local/lib -lsla_c

C programmers may also need the include files in /usr/local/include:

slalib.h slamac.h

Note : SLALIB/C is proprietary software that is licensed to CalTech
Astronomy Dept free of charge for research applications. Users requiring
private copies of the software should contact Patrick Wallace at
32-bit Linux
SURF 1.6-8 The SCUBA User Reduction Facility (SURF) has been upgraded. This
software is a Starlink package for the reduction of SCUBA data. In
order to use it, you will need to run the standard Starlink startup

> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/login
> source /usr/local/starlink/etc/cshrc

and then:

> surf

You may want to put an alias for this in your startup (.login/.cshrc)
files. For help, use the command:

> scuhelp

or see the on-line documentation at:

The changes in this version are listed in:

32-bit Linux
WMKOLRIS 2004 The WMKOLRIS package has been installed in IRAF. This package contains
a pair of IRAF tasks useful in the reduction of LRIS images. For more
information, see the web page:
32-bit Linux
fig2fits translation utility The utility for translating Figaro files (usually from Palomar) to FITS
files, 'fig2fits', has been installed in the default /usr/local/bin/.
Before running the program you will need to copy the header file from
/usr/local/lib/fig2fits/fits_head to the current directory, and customize
the header keywords in it.

Note that the version of 'fig2fits' on Linux uses a much more recent
version of Figaro, and it does not properly translate header keywords
(unlike the Solaris version of 'fig2fits'). The data itself is translated
correctly, of course. Anyone interested in fixing this issue should contact
32-bit Linux
getCal 2.5 getCal is a software package for interferometric experiment planning,
commonly used by the PTI and other interferometry programs at Caltech.
To use it, you will want to add something like this to your .cshrc or
other login file:

setenv GC_PATH /usr/local/optical/getCal
source $GC_PATH/gcEnvVar.csh
setenv PATH ${GC_BIN}:${PATH}

For more information, see the web page:
32-bit Linux
scisim 3.0.0 The 'SciSim' simulator has been installed. This software simulates the
response of the XMM-Newton X-ray Observatory and is extremely useful for
XMM proposals and data analysis. To run the simulator, first execute:

> setenv SCISIM_DIR /usr/local/xray/scisim
> source $SCISIM_DIR/setup
> scisim

Documentation can be found at:


or on the web site:

NOTE: Solaris users may experience an error concerning "". If so,
please contact help@astro to have the OpenGL libraries installed on
your computer.
32-bit Linux
wifix 1.1b WIFIX is a set of procedures written in Perl and PDL for the processing
of wide-field images. The processing can be done in a "pipeline" mode.
For more information, see the web page:

In order to use the software, you will probably want something like this
in your .cshrc (or other startup) file:

source /usr/local/optical/wifix/PipeLibs/pipe.csh
32-bit Linux
xvista 6-02d The 'xvista' astronomical software package has been installed. Previously
known simply as 'vista', 'xvista' is a general-purpose image processing
package. To run it, simply type:

> xvista

For more information, see the xvista help web page:

This page is also accessible by typing '?' at the xvista prompt.
32-bit Linux
HEAsoft X-ray package 6.0.3 The HEAsoft X-ray analysis package from HEASARC has been upgraded. This
is a major upgrade to the software suite that includes the popular FTOOLS,
XANADU, and XSPEC packages, with numerous tools for FITS image and spectral
analysis, particularly for X-ray data. This version also includes the SWIFT
2.0 package for analyzing data from the Swift mission. Finally, this is the
first version which we have installed on the Mac OS X machines. Consult the
HEAsoft web pages for more information, user documentation, etc.:

To use the LHEA software, you will want something like this in your startup
file (e.g. .cshrc):

alias heainit source ${HEADAS}/headas-init.csh
alias heainit source ${HEADAS}/headas-init.csh

Then type 'heainit' to load the software. (Note that the directory location
of the software has changed slightly, from "lheasoft" to "headas".)
IDL 7.1.1 IDL has been upgraded to the latest version, v7.1.1. This powerful data
analysis and visualization package has online help (type '?'), as well
as a PDF manual set.

Users might also consult the RSI web site:
XSpec 12.2.0cf The XSpec program, a part of the HEAsoft package for the analysis of
X-ray specta, has been patched to the latest version. The changes included
in recent patches are summarized on the web at:

See the summary of the HEAsoft package for instructions on using Xspec.
CFITSIO 3.006 The CFITSIO library for FITS file input/output has been upgraded to the
latest version. This library is needed by a number of astronomy tools, but
is easy enough to use in your own FORTRAN and C programs. The library provides
for easy access of FITS data files, including the header and data segments.
For documentation, see:


or the web page:

To use the library, you will need something like this in your compile

-L/usr/local/lib -lcfitsio

The Perl module for accessing CFITSIO routines in Perl has
also been upgraded to version 1.03. For a bit of information on this
feature, see:
CIAO 3.3 CIAO, the X-ray analysis package for Chandra data, has been upgraded to
version 3.3. This release includes several new tools and a number of
significant bug fixes to other programs. Complete release notes documenting
the changes in this version can be found at:

To use the CIAO software, you will want something like this in your startup
file (e.g. .cshrc):

alias ciao source /usr/local/xray/ciao/bin/ciao.csh

Then type 'ciao' to load the software. More information is available on
the CIAO web site:
CIAO Calibration Database (CALDB) 3.2.1 The X-ray calibration database for use with CIAO has been upgraded to
version 3.2.1. This upgrade includes a number of changes outlined in:


For more information on CALDB, there is a web page:
MIRIAD 4.0.5 The MIRIAD package for the analysis of radio interferometry data has been
installed. From the web page: "MIRIAD (Multichannel Image Reconstruction,
Image Analysis and Display) is a toolbox, in the form of an environment
with a large set of moderate-sized programs which perform individual tasks,
involving calibration, mapping, deconvolution and image analysis of
interferometric data." It is most useful for analyzing BIMA, OVRO, and
CARMA data. (And in fact, this installation is customized for CARMA data.)

In order to use it, you will probably need to source a startup file:

source /usr/local/miriad/miriad/miriad_start.csh

More information is available from the Miriad web pages at:

Please note: Not all of the Miriad programs compiled on all of the system
architectures that we support. If a program is missing on your machine, please
contact help@astro for assistance.
makee May05 The 'makee' software for the analysis of HIRES and ESI data has been
installed on the Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris computers, in the
directory /usr/local/optical/makee/. This latest version has support
for the new HIRES CCD array.

In order to use the programs, you will probably want something like this
in your .cshrc (or other startup) file:

setenv PATH /usr/local/optical/makee/bin:${PATH}
setenv MAKEE_DIR /usr/local/optical/makee

For assistance, check out the (somewhat old) web page:
AIPS 31DEC14 The AIPS package for analysis of radio astronomy data has been upgraded
to the most recent version, 31DEC14 on the 64-bit Linux machines. This
is a significant upgrade from our previous version, 31DEC11, so parameter
files may need to be reset and some tasks will have new parameters to add.
A full description of the package, including a "Cookbook" and other
documentation, is available at the AIPS web site:

In order to use AIPS, you will need to add something like this to your
.cshrc or similar login file:

source /usr/local/aips/LOGIN.CSH

AIPS is then invoked with the command, 'aips'.

Note that your machine must be setup to run AIPS properly. Also, note
that we have only installed the latest version of AIPS on our 64-bit
Linux machines. Please contact help@astro if you would like AIPS enabled
on your workstation, or if you would like it installed on 32-bit Linux
or Mac OS X.
64-bit Linux
Ansoft HFSS 15.0 The HFSS/Maxwell software from Ansoft has been upgraded on the 64-bit
Linux machines. HFSS is a finite element package for solving
electromagnetic problems in 3-D structures. In order to run it, you will
probably want something like this in your .cshrc (or other startup) file:

setenv PATH /usr/local/ansoft/15.0/hfss15.0:${PATH}

To start the software, run 'hfss'. The software has integrated "Help" menus.
64-bit Linux 0.22 We have installed the package locally. This software can
determine the proper WCS coordinate system for an image, using only the
stars within it. More information, including a web form of the software,
can be found at:

To use the local version, add this to your .cshrc or other login file:

setenv PATH /usr/local/optical/astrometry/bin:${PATH}

Currently this software is only installed on the 64-bit Linux machines.
Please let help@astro know if you would like it installed on a different
64-bit Linux
HEALPix 2.20a HEALPix is an acronym for "Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization"
of a sphere. As suggested in the name, this pixelization produces a subdivision
of a spherical surface in which each pixel covers the same surface area as
every other pixel. This software is used for CMB analysis, among other things.
The latest version (2.20a) has been installed in /usr/local/optical/Healpix
on our 64-bit Linux machines. More information can be found on the web site:
64-bit Linux
LSD 0.3.1 We have installed the Large Survey Database (LSD) software on our
64-bit Linux machines. From the website, "LSD is a framework for
storing, cross-matching, querying, and rapidly iterating through
large survey datasets", particularly for Pan-STARRS data. More
information is available from their website:

The software has been installed in /usr/local/lsd.
64-bit Linux
scamp 1.5.5 SCAMP is an optical astronomy package that reads SExtractor catalogs and
computes astrometric and photometric solutions for any arbitrary sequence
of FITS images in a completely automatic way. For more information, please
see its web site at:

This software has only been installed on the 64-bit Linux machines.
64-bit Linux
MOOG 2010 (Scattering edition) The 2010 version of MOOG has been upgraded on our Solaris and 64-bit
Linux machines. MOOG is a numerical code for performing a variety of
LTE line analysis and spectrum synthesis tasks, such as determining
the chemical composition of a star. This version has some modified
scattering code included. For more information, including instructions
for usage and examples, see the local documentation:


or the web site:
64-bit Linux
ADS 2006A The Advanced Design System has been upgraded on the Solaris machines.
ADS is a linear and nonlinear circuit simulator. In order to run it,
you will probably want something like this in your .cshrc (or other
startup) file:

setenv PATH /usr/local/hpads/2006A/bin:${PATH}

To start the software, run 'ads'.

There is extensive local documentation at:


Included there are release notes describing the changes in this version.
AIPS 31DEC02 The AIPS package for analysis of radio astronomy data has been upgraded
to the most recent version, 31DEC02. This is a major upgrade from our
previous version, 15APR99, so parameter files may need to be reset and
many tasks will have new parameters to add. A full description of the
package, including a "Cookbook" and other documentation, is available
at the AIPS web site:

Although AIPS is invoked with the command, 'aips', note that your machine
must be setup to run AIPS properly. Also, note that we do not support this
software under Linux, due to difficulties with the RedHat Linux version of
the 'gcc' compiler. Please contact help@astro if support of AIPS under
Linux is important to your work.
Ansoft HFSS 10.1 The HFSS/Maxwell software from Ansoft has been upgraded on the Solaris
and Linux machines. HFSS is a finite element package for solving
electromagnetic problems in 3-D structures. In order to run it, you will
probably want something like this in your .cshrc (or other startup) file:

setenv PATH /usr/local/ansoft/current/hfss10:${PATH}

To start the software, run 'hfss'. The software has integrated "Help" menus.

Note that this version has integrated all of the functionality of the
old 'maxwell' program, so users need only run 'hfss'.
Code V 9.30 The Code V optical system modeling package has been upgraded to
version 9.30. This is a major upgrade, which makes Code V on Solaris
more similar to the (more popular) Windows version. (In fact, this
is probably the final supported version of Code V for Solaris.) There
is extensive on-line help through the "Help" menu, and help files
in PDF form at:


We have four floating licenses for Code V for Solaris.
RPS2 12.0 The HST proposal processing software RPS2 has been upgraded. Although
largely superceded by APT, this version may be needed for HST Cycle 12
programs. Run it by executing 'RPS2'. There is an online manual at:
SETI@home 3.03 The SETI@home software for Solaris has been installed. Users wishing to
help in the SETI project may want to run something like this:

> setiathome -graphics -nice 10 &
> xsetiathome

This software will search for periodic signals in Arecibo radio data
obtained for the SETI project. If you would like, register as a member
of the "Caltech Astronomy Department" account, and our work will accumulate
as a group. More information is available from the SETI@home web site:
Sun Performance Library The Sun Performance Library has been added to the Sun Developer 7.0
compiler set. This library contains enhanced versions of the LAPACK
and BLAS routines, as well as FFT and other matrix functions, all
optimized for performance on Sun processors. Anyone requiring fast
math computation on the Suns should investigate this library.

This library set itself can be found in:


A quick summary of the library can be found in:


along with pointers to more extensive documentation.
UCSCLRIS 1.0 The UCSCLRIS package has been installed in IRAF. This package is used for
creating slitmasks for the LRIS instrument at Keck. There are standard
IRAF help pages, as well as a bit of documentation at:
fmosaic 2.6.1 The X-ray data analysis utility 'fmosaic' has been upgraded from version
2.5 to version 2.6.1. This tool is installed as part of the LHEA software
distribution in /usr/local/xray/lheasoft. For an example of the 'fmosaic':

pgt 1.0 The Proposal Generation Tool (PGT) has been installed. This tool is used
for submitting proposals to INTEGRAL, a gamma-ray space mission. For more
information on INTEGRAL, see the web page:
swarp 2.16.0 The SWarp software has been upgraded to version 2.16.0. SWarp is a program
that resamples and co-adds together FITS images using any arbitrary
astrometric projection defined in the WCS standard. This upgrade fixes
a few bugs and enables VOTable output. It is described in detail on its
web page:

We have installed both a standard version of this program ('swarp'), as
well as a multi-threaded version for multiprocessor machines ('swarp-mp').

There is also a manual page:

> man -M /usr/local/optical/swarp/man swarp

and a local copy of the user manual:


Mathematical Top

fftw 2.1.5 The FFTW Fast Fourier Transform library has been upgraded. This is
a very fast FFT library for use in C and FORTRAN programs. For more
information, see the web page:

or the user manual:


To use this library in a program, you will need to link to the library
with something like this in your compile command:

-L/usr/local/lib -lsfftw <-- single-precision
-L/usr/local/lib -ldfftw <-- double-precision

We have also installed the threaded version of this library, for
optimization on parallel processor machines. To use the threaded
(double-precision) library, add something like this to your compile

-L/usr/local/lib -ldfftw_threads

This is the final version 2.x release of the FFTW library. Those
requiring version 3.x of the library (which is not entirely compatible
with version 2.x) should contact help@astro.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
GNU Scientific Library 1.15 The GNU Scientific Library has been upgraded on the Linux machines.
This library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random
number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are
over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. For more
information, see the web page:

The library itself is used like this on the compile command:

-L/usr/local/lib -lgsl
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
R 2.15.1 The 'R' statistical package has been upgraded on our Linux machines.
R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation,
calculation and graphical display. It implements the standard "S"
language, which is a very popular tool for data analysis and
statistics. There is on-line documentation at:


An older version is installed on our Solaris machines.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
ASURV 1.3 The ASURV statistical program has been installed. ASURV is a software
package for "survival analysis", the statistical analysis of data
containing nondetections. The package "provides a variety of statistical
tests - each based on different models of where upper limits truly lie -
so that the astronomer can judge the importance of the different
assumptions" made concerning sample completeness. The software has been
installed in /usr/local/stat/asurv/; it consists of a single program:


Be sure to see the documentation:

32-bit Linux
Maple V7 Maple, another mathematical package, has been upgraded to version 7. There
is on-line help available, including a "New User's Tour", under the "Help"
menu in the X Windows version of the program.
32-bit Linux
R 1.8.1 The 'R' statistical package has been upgraded. R is an integrated suite
of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical
display. It implements the standard "S" language, which is a very popular
tool for data analysis and statistics. There is on-line documentation at:


We have also upgraded the Perl interface to R and installed a pair of
add-on packages, "Hmisc" and "Design". The "Mclust" add-on package, for
model-based cluster analysis, has also been installed.
32-bit Linux
Maple V9.5 Maple, another mathematical package, has been upgraded to version 9.5. There
is on-line help available, including a "New User's Tour", under the "Help"
menu in the X Windows version of the program. It can be invoked as:

> xmaple # X-windows version
> maple # non-gui
32-bit Linux
GNU Scientific Library 1.13 The GNU Scientific Library has been installed on the Mac OS X machines.
This library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random
number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are
over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. For more
information, see the web page:

The library itself is used like this on the compile command:

-L/usr/local/lib -lgsl
Intel Mac
Matlab Release 14 SP3 Matlab is a computing environment that provides tools for data analysis,
visualization, and algorithm and application development. Matlab has been
upgraded from Release 13 to Release 14.

[Nov 28, 2005: We installed service pack 3, which fixes a number of bugs.]

There is on-line help available by selecting "MATLAB Help" from the Help
menu, or from loading this URL in your browser:


With this release, we also have installed Matlab on the Mac OS X machines,
where it is a Macintosh application.
Mathematica V7.0.1 Mathematica, the popular package for symbolic mathematical computing,
has been upgraded to version 7.0.1. The program can be invoked in two ways:

> math <-- command-line version
> mathematica <-- X Windows version
32-bit Linux
Mathematica V5.1 Mathematica, the popular package for symbolic mathematical computing,
has been upgraded to version 5.1. The program can be invoked in two ways:

> math <-- command-line version
> mathematica <-- X Windows version

Office Tools Top

Gnumeric 1.0.9 The 'gnumeric' spreadsheet has been installed on the Linux computers.
Gnumeric is an open source spreadsheet from the Gnome project. It is
somewhat "young" but is developing fast. It will import files from other
popular spreadsheet programs, such as Excel and 1-2-3. For further info,
use the built-in "Help" menu, which calls up the local documentation:


There is also an extensive web page:
32-bit Linux
StarOffice 8.0 StarOffice has been upgraded to version 8.0. This is a major re-write
of Sun's Office software suite, including text editing, spreadsheet,
and presentation tools. These tools provide a Unix "version" of the
popular Microsoft Office product, including compatibility with the
Microsoft Office file format. Extensive on-line help is available. To
run the software, type:

> soffice

This software is supported on Solaris and Linux. All of our Mac OS X
machines have Microsoft Office installed instead. If you would like to
have Open Office (the open source version of StarOffice) installed on
Mac OS X, please contact help@astro.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
fvwm 2.4.13 The 'fvwm' window manager has been upgraded to version 2.4.13. 'fvwm'
is a powerful multiple virtual desktop window manager for the X Window
system. Although a bit old, some users find 'fvwm' to be a fast alternative
to Gnome and KDE.

If you would like to try 'fvwm', you will need to setup a .xinitrc file
in your home directory. Please e-mail help@astro if you require assistance
with this procedure.

Documentation can be found in the manual page:

> man fvwm

or on the web site:

We have installed version 2.5.21 on the 64-bit Linux machines, since the
"unstable" 2.5.x versions provude better 64-bit support.
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Gnome 1.4 The Gnome desktop has now been installed on all of the Solaris machines.
(Gnome was already present on Linux computers.) This is a complete desktop;
an alternative to CDE and OpenWindows. It has a number of benefits, including
compatibility across Linux and Solaris, speed, and a number of tools written
specifically for it, such as spreadsheets, graphics programs, calendar
and office utilites, etc. Although this is a "beta" version of Gnome,
Sun expects to distribute Gnome (2.0) with future versions of the operating
system, as a modern replacement for OpenWindows.

To run Gnome from your Solaris machine, select it from the "Session"
menu when you log in. For documentation, see the Gnome web site:

or click on the "Question Mark" in the Gnome tool bar at the bottom of
the screen, to bring up the Gnome Help System.
32-bit Linux
enlightenment 0.16.5 The latest version of the Enlightenment window manager has been installed.
This software is a modern window manager for use with the X Window System.
It can be invoked directly via your .xinitrc file where it should replace
your current window manager (e.g. "olwm" or "fvwm"). More commonly,
enlightenment is started from within the Gnome environment using the
Gnome Control Center (started via the "toolbox" icon). There is extensive
built-in documentation, using the "Help" option on the menu obtained by
pressing the middle button on the root window (background).

Other documentation, screenshots, and information can be found on the
web site:
32-bit Linux
jpilot 0.99 Jpilot is a complete Unix version of the Palm Desktop software. This
software provides compatible versions of the "Address Book", "Date Book",
"Memo Pad", and "To Do List" applications, with full support for
synchronization with a Palm Pilot or other PDA device. To use this
software, run:

> jpilot

To synchronize your Palm Pilot or other handheld device, connect the
device cradle to serial port A or B on your computer, then define the
following environment variable:

> setenv PILOTPORT /dev/ttya or /dev/ttyb <-- Solaris
> setenv PILOTPORT /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 <-- Linux

Then run 'jpilot'. Press the "Sync" button to synchronize with your
handheld unit. For more information, see the web page:
32-bit Linux
Autocad 2000i Autocad, the popular computer-aided design tool, has been installed on
our public Windows computer, taurus, in Robinson 52. There is extensive
on-line help. We have a number of experienced Autocad users in the
Astronomy Department.

Publishing Top

Emulate ApJ macros The Feb 9, 2003 version of the ApJ emulation LaTeX macros has been
installed. In order to use them, in most cases one can just place
this line at the start of the main LaTeX file:


See the web site for more details:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
Intel Mac
kile 2.0.3 We have installed kile, a KDE-based graphical front end for TeX/LaTeX
on the 32-bit Linux machines. More information can be found on the

To run this tool, one will need to define the "KDEDIRS" variable first,
like this:

> setenv KDEDIRS /usr/local:/usr
> kile
32-bit Linux
auctex 11.53 AUCTeX is an emacs package that supports writing and formatting TeX
documents. For more information, please see:

To activate this mode, add the following line to your ~/.emacs file
(require 'tex-site)
32-bit Linux
pybtex The pybtex BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor has been installed
on the Linux machines. Please type

> pybtex

to see the usage options, or consult the website:
32-bit Linux
64-bit Linux
AASTeX 5.2 The AASTeX macros for LaTeX have been upgraded to version 5.2. These
macros should be used for all LaTeX manuscripts submitted to the
astronomical journals. More information on these macros can be found
on the web at:
32-bit Linux
TeX - web2c V7.4.5, xdvik V22.76.1, dvipsk V5.78a The TeX software has been upgraded. See the man pages for more information:

> man tex
> man latex
> man dvips
> man xdvi
32-bit Linux
rtf2latex2e 1.0 The 'rtf2latex2e' translator has been installed. This program translates
RTF ("Rich Text Format") files, which can be produced by Microsoft Word
and other programs, into LaTeX files. Although the output will probably
require additional "tweaking", this translator should ease the process
of translating from Microsoft Office to LaTeX. Local documentation is
available at:

32-bit Linux
teTeX-2.0.2 teTeX 2.0.2 has been installed under MacOSX. Additional astronomy
related packages have also been installed including AASTeX and amsfonts.
Adobe FrameMaker 6.0 Adobe FrameMaker has been upgraded to version 6.0. FrameMaker is a
professional publishing application useful for everything from flyers
to books. It is especially useful for creating posters for printing on
our large-format printer (posterastro). There is detailed on-line help,
as well as a paper manual and quick reference card in Robinson Rm 52.
We now have 10 licenses for this product, so everyone should be able to
use it!
LaTeX2html 99.2b8 The LaTeX-to-HTML converter has been installed. This converter is useful
for translating LaTeX documents to an HTML form. For documentation, see:


For an example of a scientific paper see:

There are macros available which attempt to translate AASTeX papers
TeX PostScript fonts The PostScript fonts in TeX have been upgraded with the addition of the
(default) Computer Modern font in PostScript form. This will help in
printing, as well as when using 'ghostview' and the 'ps2pdf' translation

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